Healthy Update, the bi-monthly e-newsletter of HealthWorld Online(, provides news and resources from leading experts in the world of alternative medicine, healthy living, and Self-Managed Care™.
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SPONSOR - Dr. Jonathan Wright's Nutrition & Healing Newsletter
Discover nutritional cures that work in as little as 30 seconds! One brilliant M.D. is finally changing doctor’s minds about natural healing. They’re not just convinced. They’re taking courses from him! Now you can learn directly from this Harvard-trained doctor how to: - Reverse "incurable" memory loss - Drop cholesterol up to 134 points - Make years of arthritis pain and swelling vanish. Learn first-hand about his breakthroughs for prostate disease, asthma, migraines and more.
Medical Privacy Rules Raise Questions
Policy analysts are concerned that patient privacy rules that took effect recently need a number of changes before their final implementation deadline in two years, but expressed confidence that the changes can be made in time if the Bush administration acts quickly. A not-for-profit legal organization is concerned that the rules, as currently written, would have unexpected consequences for patients, physicians, hospitals and pharmacies. A coalition of chief executives of the leading U.S. health care organizations and institutions is very concerned about a new provision requiring providers to obtain consent for routine health care delivery activities. They believe the consent rules could swamp the health care system with red tape, keep doctors from making emergency decisions and prevent pharmacies from getting prescriptions filled in a timely manner.
Homocysteine the heart's silent timebomb
Imagine leading a healthy and balanced lifestyle - with normal blood pressure and body weight, and sugar and cholesterol at optimum levels. But one day you discover you have developed coronary heart disease, precursor to heart failure. Studies indicate that a lesser known but equally lethal risk factor called homocysteine may be the culprit. It has been estimated that high homocysteine levels can increase the risk of heart disease as much as smoking or high cholesterol. In fact, high homocysteine levels have been detected in 40 per cent of heart attack patients.
Alternative Treatments for Headaches
While the experience of an occasional headache may be universal and usually is tolerable, chronic headache is an important cause of distress and disability. The vast majority of people who suffer from headaches have either tension-type or migraine headaches. Headaches only recently began to receive attention from the pharmaceutical industry and organized medicine. But even new "designer" drugs do not work for at least 30% of patients. Concerns over unpleasant or serious side effects encourage many patients who have tried conventional therapy for migraines to explore complementary therapies. They are using acupuncture, mind-body techniques, nutritional therapies, herbal remedies, aromatherapy, homeopathy, and physical approaches.
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medicine, visit our Daily Health
The Healer Within
A classic breath practice that is common to both the Yoga tradition of India and the Qigong tradition of China is the subject of the Dr. Roger Jahnke column "Rapid Abdominal Breathing." The central activity of this breath technique, called bastrika in India, is the rapid expansion and contraction of the abdomen. The breath enters and exits rapidly through the nose. This method has a major effect on the function of the organs in the abdominal and pelvic cavities. There is a massive concentration of lymphatic tissue in these areas and because of the one way nature of the lymphatic vessels this vigorous activity moves large amounts of lymph forward toward the elimination organs. It can be done in a few moments, requires no special attire or equipment. Benefits of breath practice are just a breath away.
Mind Over Matter
Frustrated with the latest natural fat-burning supplement that's done nothing but burn a hole in your pocket? In "Weight Loss for Real: drop the pounds without dieting!" Barry Bittman, M.D. reminds us that the more energy you expend, the more calories you burn and the more weight you lose. Rather than suggest we revert to the more strenuous activities of our ancestors, he points out the impact of some of the "conveniences" in our daily life and offers possible alternatives and projected potential calorie burning benefits.
Understanding Homeopathy
Homeopathic medicine is a natural pharmaceutical science that uses various plants, minerals or animals in very small dose to stimulate the sick person's natural defenses. The medicines are individually chosen for their ability to cause in overdose the similar symptoms the person is experiencing. "Homoios" in Greek means similar and "pathos" means disease or suffering. Since one's symptoms are actually efforts of the organism to reestablish homeostasis or balance, it is logical to seek a substance that would, in overdose, cause the similar symptoms the person is experiencing. The medicines, thus, go with, rather than against, the person's natural defenses. In "Ten Most Frequently Asked Questions on Homeopathic Medicine" Dana Ullman answers common questions about homeopathy.
Integrative Dentistry
HealthWorld Online welcomes Flora Parsa Stay D.D.S. to our Expert Columns series. In her debut column "The Connection Between Gum Disease and Heart Disease" she offers us startling, important information. Most people believe that a little bleeding while brushing their teeth is normal. It is such myths and misconceptions that have resulted in more than 80% of the population with gum disease. Periodontal disease (gum disease) is an infection that causes chronic inflammation of the gums, with one of it's signs being bleeding while brushing or flossing. Recent studies have found that there is a direct correlation between heart disease and gum disease. The understanding of this relationship and what to do about it is a matter of life and death.
To read all of our columns visit Columns from the
"Measuring Your Antioxidant Status " With Dr. Charles A. Thomas
Forget about your cholesterol number - what are your levels of CoQ-10, vitamin E, selenium, beta-carotene and vitamin C? You may eat well and take supplements, but do you know if they actually get into your system? Are the concentration levels of these protective substances in your blood below par, middling, or in the higher protective range? In Dr. Passwater's interview of Dr. Charles A. Thomas they cover his work in analytical biochemistry, especially related to the individual's ability to avoid degenerative diseases.
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Interviews on the
Leading Edge
Healthy Shopping Center
Childlife Essentials - Meeting Your Child's Nutritional Needs
Studies from around the world show that modern farming methods have resulted in depleted soil conditions and that foods grown on that soil no longer contain the full spectrum of essential nutrients needed for healthy development, strong immune function, and emotional and mental vitality. The ChildLife Nutritional Supplement Program offers doctor-developed nutritional formulas you can trust, to help provide your infant or child with the best possible start in life. Along with a healthful diet and careful nurturing, the ChildLife Nutritional Supplement Program will support your child through the formative years and help create a solid foundation for good health throughout life. HealthWorld Online is proud to announce ChildLife Essentials as one of the exciting new companies we have chosen to provide products to our members and visitors.
Healthy Bookstore
Often considered an "old folks" affliction, arthritis is the medical term for more than 100 diseases and conditions that affect the joints of about one out of six Americans--old and young. Treatment for this debilitating, chronic condition is complicated, so Harvard Medical School professor of medicine Michael E. Weinblatt, M.D., developed "The Arthritis Action Program: An Integrated Plan of Traditional and Complementary Therapies" a comprehensive guide to explain arthritis "in plain English" and offer preventative and prescriptive suggestions for successful pain management. His goal: to foster equal optimism and skepticism, thus empowering the patient to make informed decisions. Weinblatt includes a helpful refresher course on bone health and outlines steps to find a health-care provider.
For more healthy products, visit our Healthy Shopping Center
Featured Center
HealthWorld Online's Alternative Medicine Center is the Internet's most comprehensive and authoritative site dealing with the great systems of traditional healthcare from around the world--acupuncture, Ayurveda, herbal medicine, homeopathy, naturopathy, and Traditional Chinese medicine--as well as many ancient and modern natural therapies. Many of these systems and therapies, previously considered to be unconventional or "alternative" in the USA, are being integrated into the health care system. We strive to keep you on the forefront the current movement to integrate the best of alternative/complementary medicine and mainstream medicine through our ever-growing library of articles, resources and services from leading experts and organizations. Key domains pointing to areas of our Alternative Medicine Center include:,,,,,, and
Healthy Man Update
In traditional Chinese Medicine, AIDS is often considered to be due to a deficiency or chronic weakness of the digestive, assimilative function, the lungs, and the kidneys/adrenals. In "Nutritional and Herbal Support" Christopher Hobbs L.Ac., A.H.G. offers AIDS patients specific nutritional guidelines, when they are appropriate, and why they are effective. These include a building diet, foods for winter/cold months vs spring/summer months, dietary supplements, herbal supplements, immune support, adrenal support, liver support, and anti-oxidant therapy.
Find a Professional
The Professional Referral Network contains searchable directories for 20 leading professional associations in complementary and integrative health care, with over 16,000 professionals. Looking for a healthcare professional specializing in bodywork? The Bodywork and Somatic Therapies section includes the American Organization for Bodywork Therapies of Asia, American Society for the Alexander Technique, Hellerwork International, and The Trager Institute member databases.
Medical Cybrarian Research Service
Frustrated as you wade through all of the data you bring up with your Internet searches? You can hire a professional who can do this fast and efficiently, save you all of the hassle, and most likely find important information you overlooked. The HealthWorld Online Medical Cybrarian has thousands of the best web sites already bookmarked.
The Cybrarian offers you personalized research service, searching the Internet, books, MEDLINE and other databases, to find EXACTLY the information you require. The Cybrarian can custom design research for individual patients or healthcare professionals, as well as healthcare industry business people, including information on diseases, treatments, products, market research or statistics for alternative, complementary and conventional medicine. For reasonable fees, the Cybrarian carefully gathers and selects the information or points you to useful web sites and other sources, with the speed and searching techniques acquired from many years of professional research.
Association Network -- Hot Pick
The mission of the National Center for Homeopathy (NCH) is to promote health through homeopathy. By providing general education to the public about homeopathy, and specific education to homeopaths, the NCH helps to make homeopathy available throughout the United States.
Visit National Center for Homeopathy
Health Calendar -- Hot Picks
Ottawa Health Show
Ottawa, Ontario CANADA
April 27-28, 2001
Contact: Canadian National Health Shows - 604-885-0960
Cancer As a Turning Point, From Surviving to Thriving
Free conference for anyone touched by cancer
Medford, OR USA
April 27-28, 2001
Contact: Healing Journeys - 800-423-9882
AHMA Annual Conference
The Marriage of Art and Science in Holistic Medicine
Miami, FL USA
May 2-5, 2001
Contact: American Holistic Medical Association - 703-556-9245
Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Alliance Conference
Safety Harbor, FL USA
May 4-7, 2001
Contact: Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Alliance - 800-345-1010
Fourth World Congress on Qigong
The Fourth American Qigong Association Conference
San Francisco, CA USA
May 4-7, 2001
Contact: East West Academy of Healing Arts - 415-788-2227
Healing Into Wholeness with Jacquelyn Small
Ten-Day Psycho-Spiritual Wellness Program
Jacksonville, FL USA
May 7-10, 2001
Contact: Eupsychia Institute - 800-546-2795
SupplySide East
International Trade Show and Conference
Secaucus, NJ USA
May 7-9, 2001
Contact: Virgo Publishing, Inc. - 480-990-1101
Yoga at the Leading Edge
Celebrate the grace of movement and all that is yoga today
Lenox, MA USA
May 17-20, 2001
Contact: Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health - 800-741-7353
Botanical Medicine in Modern Clinical Practice
New York, NY USA
May 21-25, 2001
Contact: Columbia University/Rosenthal Center for
Complementary and Alternative Medicine - 212-543-9542
2001 World Congress on Complementary Therapies in Medicine
Washington, DC USA
May 25-27, 21001
Contact: Mosby/Continuing Education & Training
- 800-826-1877
Expo Europe 2001
Amsterdam, Noord-Holland NETHERLANDS
June 12-14, 2001
Contact: New Hope Naural Media - 303-939-8440
The Healing Spirit of Energy Medicine
Integrating Science and The Medical Arts
Boulder, CO USA
June 14-20, 2001
Contact: International Society for the Study of
Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine - 303-425-4625
Editor, Healthy Update: James Strohecker, Co-founder, President, HealthWorld Online -
Associate Editor: Suzan Walter, Director, HealthWorld Online Global Health Calendar, Speakers Network, Professional Referral Network, Association Network -
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