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Which of the following in NOT a direct benefit of a regular walking regimen?
Reduce Stress
Improved immune function
Achieving ideal weight.
Improved sugar metabolism

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Featured Event
$150/month to have your event name, dates and location showcased on the Global Health Calendar home page and all calendar search pages, with a link to your event's Deluxe Calendar Listing. The two most immanent upcoming events will also be displayed on all pages of under "Featured Events" in the right hand column. Three month minimum commitment.
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Your event can be listed in the Global Health Calendar our our weekly e-newsletter, Healthy Update. Healthy Update is distributed to over 22,000 subscribers. The cost is $25 per issue with a four issue minimum. To be listed as a Featured Event at the top of the calendar listings, with an additional 75 words of descriptive text, is $75 per issue with a 3 issue minimum.
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Staying Healthy Tips
10 Tips for Wise Sugar Use
Sugar is found in so many foods that are now available in the modern grocery stores, in the form of refined cane sugar (including brown sugars) and high-fructose corn syrup. More natural sugars include...  more
Fabulous Functional Foods
Garlic Oil
Garlic oil is a handy thing to have in the refrigerator. It saves you the time it takes to clean and chop garlic. Danish chef Oscar Umahro Cadogan tells us how to create "Garlic Oil" to use for frying,...  more

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