We gave Danny one dose of Theridion 200C. His mother brought him back two and a half months later. He was now less anxious in daytime.
The past ten days he was sleeping most nights. He had slept through the first four nights after taking the remedy. He got a cold a week after remedy at which time he had a Ricola cough drop. He still wakes up wet.
He was now waking more at ease. He was no longer terrified. His mother mentioned that his disposition was quite pleasant. He was more enjoyable to be around, especially the past ten days. Danny was not as anxious. Things didn't set him off as easily. He still covered his ears on the ferry dock when the fog horn blew (2). He no longer tensed face as much. [We noticed that he was not grimacing as before.] He said good-bye to a guest and to some ladies on the ferry. That was unusua for Danny becuase he didn't usually talk much to strangers. He no longer seemed as delicate when he bumped into things. He wasn't talking to himself as much. It seemed to us that the remedy was probably working. We did not give another remedy and asked his mother to call us in one month.
Five weeks later Danny had a cold and a paroxysmal cough (2). Danny had slept through every night though he was having enuresis regularly (3). He was doing very well in daycare and seemed to be standing up for himself more. His noise sensitivity was now isolated to internal combusion engines. We gave him one dose of Silica 30C in hopes of addressing the enuresis and asked his mother to call us in 7-10 days.
At Danny's next visit one month later, his mother told us he had been perfectly dry for first four nights after remedy. The second day after the remedy mother noticed that he was more cooperative in the morning. He ate some coffee candy a week before the visit. Danny had awakened twice in the night since then like he did before the original remedy. The last few days he was asking questions incessantly (3) His anxiety and sensitivity to noise were still better. He no longer tensed his face, grimaced, or repeated things under his breath. He hadn't been covering his ears on the ferry dock anymore. Overall his mother felt that he was doing much better than when we started. Her only complaint was the enuresis.
Four days later Danny's mother called to say that his symptoms were definitely back. We decided that he had antidoted the Theridion with the coffee candy and we gave him another dose of Theridion 200C.
At his visit five weeks later, Danny was sleeping better again.
His enuresis was unchanged. We decided to wait and asked him to come back in three months. We thought the enuresis might remit in time.
We next saw Danny two and a half months later. He had done really well until the past month when he had become sensitive again (2), but nothing like before. His mother elaborated, "I've been thinking about the way he reacts. It's almost as if his senses are attentuated to certain input. The most obvious thing was the hearing." He was not waking up at night. He'd been complaining about the frequency of noises. He said that even a quiet bell hurt his ear (3). [We noticed that he was grimacing again.]
He hadn't even wanted to touch a plantain flower because he said it was too spiky. He was really sensitive to pain (3), whether little or big owwies. When someone touched his hair, he screamed (3). It really hurt (3). His scalp was really sensitive(3). Danny was not as agitated. He had drunk a sip of iced coffee earlier in the month.