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 Homeopathy: A Case of Autism 

According to the point of view of the Vithoulkian essences, this child's oversensitivity to noise Rajan Sankaran, in The Spirit of Homeopathy, affirms that it is the central disturbance in an individual which has to be cured in diseases, and not the pathology. That, he says, is the secret. This central disturbance, which includes the mind and the neurological, endocrine, and immunological systems will naturally create disturbances in each organ system to a greater or lesser extent, depending on the individual's susceptibility. we feel that this boy's enuresis is a manifestation in his urinary system of his oversensitivity and tension, just as the facial grimacing or tensing was a neurologic manifestation.

It will likely recede over time or another remedy will be needed. (Note: Now, two years later, the only symptom of Danny's which has persisted is enuresis. He has continued to do very well in all other ways and has not needed another remedy.)

A couple of other interesting tidbits about Theridion: People needing Theridion can experience sharp neuralgic pains over the left eye like Spigelia. Farrington also compares the headache of Theridion to that of Bryonia. He once treated a lady sufering from intense headaches and nausea that were worse from the least motion. He gave Bryonia without success. However, when the patient added the fact that noises made both the headaches and nausea worse, he found the simillimum in Theridion.

Farrington also usedTheridion for "the sea-sickness of nervous women who become deathly ill when they shut their eyes to try to stop the motion of the ship.

The last point we want to mention is that Asarum and Silica are said to be in the same family as Theridion. We think it is possible that Danny may need Silica later due to his delicate constitution, refined nature, shyness, sensitivity, and tiring easily. Aranea, Mygale, and Tarentula, all spiders, are similars. The restlessness and hypersensitivity of Theridion is quite similar to that of Tarentula, however the sexual sphere is generally more pronounced in Tarentula and Mygale.

Dr. Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman and Dr. Robert Ullman are licensed naturopathic physicians and are board certified in homeopathy. They are President and Vice President of the International Foundation for Homeopathy where they teach homeopathy to licensed health care professionals. They practice in Edmonds, WA at 131 3rd Ave., N., Edmonds, WA 98020 and can be reached at (206) 774-5599. Their new book, The Patient's Guide to Homeopathic Medicine, is now available.

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 About The Author
Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman ND, MSWJudyth Reichenberg-Ullman, ND, DHANP, MSW is a licensed naturopathic physician board certified in homeopathic medicine. She graduated with a degree in ...more
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