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 Homeopathy: A Case of an Oppositional Child 

Darin's mother brought him back on August 9, 1994. "It was a gradual change. He's calmer. He's talking more and able to work things out better. His appetite is good and he's more willing to try new things. He's still accident prone and gets scratched, banged, and bruised easily. There has been some stress this week. We want to move to Arizona to be near my parents. His father agreed, then changed his mind. I have to take him to court."

"He's no longer asking if he's being good or quiet. There aren't as many arguments. He's more reasonable. He rarely says the opposite now. If I tell him he can't do something, he won't argue. He still pouts, but he gets over it easily.He's a little on the defiant side, but very easily becomes reasonable. There's been a gradual easing into being more agreeable. He's still impatient and senstivie to scolding and sad situations. Now he's much more appropriate about wanting attention. He's less clingy and possessive. He was unhappy for a few days about my starting to work, but now he's fine with it."

"He's had no scary dreams. He hasn't talked about wanting to go home. He's had no headaches. The bumpy rashes on his hips are gone."

At the end of the half-hour interview, Darin said, "I want to go home... go home."

Darin has continued to do well for the past seven months. He has not come in for more appointments because his mother feels he is doing quite well. We did not have the opportunity for another in depth follow-up. It is very likely that Darin's clumsiness also improved with the remedy. She recently asked us for a referral to a homeopath in Arizona, where they have just moved. He was quite surprised to learn that Capsicum had been given to Darin.

Drs. Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman and Robert Ullman are board certified diplomates of the Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians. They teach homeopathy to licensed health care professionals through the International Foundation for Homeopathy, of which Judyth is President and Robert is Vice President. They practice at The Northwest Center for Homeopathic Medicine at 131 3rd Ave., N., Edmonds, WA 98020 and can be reached at (206) 774-5599. Their new book, The Patient's Guide to Homeopathic Medicine, will be released in May.

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 About The Author
Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman ND, MSWJudyth Reichenberg-Ullman, ND, DHANP, MSW is a licensed naturopathic physician board certified in homeopathic medicine. She graduated with a degree in ...more
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