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Which of the following is an antioxidant?
Vitamin E
Vitamin B

 Naturopathic Medicine: An Outdoor Lover's Guide to Homeopathy 
Lauri Aesoph M. ND ©

Gelsemium, derived from yellow jasmine, is somewhere in-between. Fear and distress about their accident overpowers and drains people helped by this remedy. A pale face and achy limbs are made worse by diarrhea. Sluggish circulation and prostration are other hallmarks of this homeopathic medicine. A person fitting Gelsemium wants to be outside and is intolerant of cigarette smokers.

It's great to run or play hard, but pain is a signal to stop. If you don't listen to your body's warning, a mild injury can grow. John knew this. The 43 year old Midwesterner was playing his regular Saturday game of tennis when a sudden lunge for the ball sent unbearable agony through his right knee. Panic and pain set in as John, a dancer, realized he might have to cancel an upcoming performance trip to France.

In addition to getting professional help, John took Calcarea fluorica. This powerful remedy helps reduce scar tissue and releases excess fluid formed in injured knees. In a few weeks, John recovered and hopped on a plane to Europe where he danced for appreciative audiences.

In homeopathic circles, each type of pain is treated differently. Each ache, pang, twinge and cramp has its own specific remedy. For successful pain relief, pay close attention to how, where and when you hurt.

If you're hit with a too-much-sun, burning headache, Aconitum napellus may be the answer. A full, heavy, congestive feeling particularly in the forehead characterizes this head pain. Your face appears pale and swollen. You can't see very well and movement makes your head hurt worse. A dark, quiet room helps.

For aching pain in your back, arms, wrists or limbs Eupatorium perfoliatum might help. A person with this kind of ache enjoys talking because it makes him feel better. Soreness and on-again, off-again symptoms also marks Eupatorium.

Rhus toxicodendron, or poison ivy, is normally the cause not cure for summertime ailments. But if exercise causes sciatica, a tearing pain that shoots down the back of the thigh, Rhus tox is the solution. Stiffness, tingling in the feet or numbness after over exertion are other symptoms to watch for. Back pain, especially in the lower middle region or at the nape of the neck, may also respond to rhus tox. Tender knee joints that feel hot and swollen are another indication for this remedy. You know you have a Rhus tox pain when moving about, stretching and rubbing the afflicted area feels better. A warm compress also eases the pain.

When your pain is bruise-like and sore then Ruta graveolens might help. A person with this sort of injury feels restless and weak. When the least movement causes you agony, and rest is imperative, then Bryonia could be your solace. Irritability as well as a stitching, tearing slow pain better with applied pressure are characteristic of this remedy.

Physical activity, whether you're a child playing outside or an adult jogging, can cause cuts, scrapes or puncture wounds. Providing the injury isn't too deep, your main concern in these situations is to avoid infection and encourage tissue repair.

Little Rose was lucky her mother knew what to do. Eighteen month old Rose was playing in the backyard with her older sister, Carrie. Their mother, Anne, was nearby, trimming hedges. When Anne, put her gardening shears down for a moment to dispose of some branches, Rose toddled over and grabbed the shears. Screaming brought Anne rushing to her daughter's side, to find that Rose had cut into the tip of her finger.

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