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 Naturopathic Medicine: An Outdoor Lover's Guide to Homeopathy 
Lauri Aesoph M. ND ©

Anne felt petrified and guilt ridden. She hurried the child inside, soaked Roses's finger, applied Calendula officinalis lotion to the wound (to disinfect, stop the bleeding and aid in tissue regeneration) and bandaged it. Anne also gave Rose Hypericum, the homeopathic version of St John's wort, for pain. This remedy is also indicated when a wound is deep or very sensitive to touch. Anne applied the Calendula cream and changed Roses's bandaid four times a day. Within a week, Rose's finger healed without infection.

Hypericum can also be used in cream form for superficial wounds, and orally if wounds are deep and painful. Ledum, by mouth or as a cream, is appropriate for most puncture wounds. A throbbing, red swollen wound that feels cold to the touch yet better when cold is applied, points to Ledum. Another remedy to consider in this situation is Apis mellifica. Like a bee sting (Apis is made from honey bee), an Apis wound stings and feels warm. If a wound is inflamed, oral Hepar sulphuris calcareum can help.

One word of warning. Arnica, the remedy that seems appropriate for every injured occasion, can irritate an open wound if applied as a lotion, cream or ointment.

Overdoing It
If your exercise problem is just too much of a good thing, then Arsenicum album might work. Debility and exhaustion are this remedy's middle names, especially from prolonged exertion and tired muscles. People who fit this remedy are so fatigued they can't sleep, yet feel better resting propped up on a pillow. Warm drinks soothe them.

For severe injuries, always seek professional help. However, the right homeopathic remedy can speed healing, ameliorate symptoms and complement first aid and medical care--so watch your symptoms closely.

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