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 Qigong and Taiji: Bibliography on Cancer 

26. Zhou, Lidong [and others]. First Medical College of PLA, Guangzhou, China [1]. Mechanisms of the anti-tumor effect of qigong waiqi (emitted qi). 3rd Nat Acad Conf on Qigong Science. Guangzhou, China. 88Eb; 1990.

27. Feng, Lida [and others]. China Immune Research Center [1]. External Qi's Function on Human Cancer Cells. 3rd Int Qigong Conf [in Chinese]. Kyoto, Japan. 14; 1992.

28. Yu, Weixian [and others]. First Center Hospital, Tianjin [1]. External Qi's Effect on Lewis Lung Cancer and Its Transference. 3rd Int Qigong Conf [in Chinese]. Kyoto, Japan. 162; 1992.

29. Ye, Ming; Wang, Yao; Mao, Chenxing; Zhang, Ruihua. Shanghai Research Institute, Shanghai, China [1]. Effect of qigong exercise on unscheduled DNA synthesis of the peripheral blood lymphocytes of cancer patients. 4th Int Sym on Qigong. Shanghai, China. 40CE; 1992.

30. Wang, Yao; Xie, Ming; Shen, George; Zhang, Ruihua; Mao, Chenxing. Dept Immunology, Qigong Institute, Shanghai Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai, China [1]. Effect of traditional Chinese medicine on cancer rehabi!itation. 4th Int Sym on Qigong. Shanghai, China. 76CE; 1992.

31. Wang, Jisheng. Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100012, China [1]. Role of qigong on mental health. 2nd World Conf for Acad Exch of Medical Qigong. Beijing, China. 93E; 1993.

32. Cao, Qiyuan 1.; Li, Yongqiong 1.; Cheng, Chenqing 2.; Liang, Jianxiong 2. Cancer Institute, Sun Yat-Sen University of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou 510060, China [1] //Dept Radiotherapy, Tumor Hospital, Guangzhou 510060, China [2]. Inhibition of human nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells in vitro by emitted qi and gamma ray. 2nd World Conf for Acad Exch of Medical Qigong. Beijing, China. 103Ea; 1993.

33. Chen, Xiaojun 1.; Yi, Qing 1.; Liu, Kela 1.; Zhang, Jinmei 2.; Chen, Yusheng 3. Cancer Center, Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou 510060, China [1] //Dept Physiology, Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou 510060, China [2] //Qigong Association of Guangdong, China [3]. Double-blind test of emitted qi on tumor formation of a nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell line in nude mice. 2nd World Conf for Acad Exch of Medical Qigong. Beijing, China. 105E; 1993.

34. Qian, Shusen; Sun, Wei; Liu, Qing; Wan, Yi; Shi, Xiaodong. China Rehabilitation Research Center, Beijing 100077, China [1]. Influence of emitted qi on cancer growth, metastasis and survival time of the host. 2nd World Conf for Acad Exch of Medical Qigong. Beijing, China. 106Ea; 1993.

35. Feng, Lida; Qian, Juqing; Kang, Xiaoling. Chinese Immunology Research Center, Beijing, China [1]. Effect of emitted qi on immune sticking function of red blood cells to tumor cells. 2nd World Conf for Acad Exch of Medical Qigong. Beijing, China. 108E; 1993.

36. Feng, Lida. Chinese Immunology Research Center, Beijing, China [1]. Making further advances of the public health care for the aged with Chinese characteristics. 2nd World Conf for Acad Exch of Medical Qigong. Beijing, China. 122E; 1993.

37. Yu, Yi; Zhang, Rongmin; Huang, Xiuqing; Guo, Yanru; Cao, Wei. Jinghua Tumor Hospital & China-Japan Friendship Hospital, Beijing, China [1]. Effect of self-controlling qigong therapy on the immune function of cancer patients. 2nd World Conf for Acad Exch of Medical Qigong. Beijing, China. 128E; 1993.

38. Wang, Shouhang; Wang, Benrong; Shao, Mengyang; Li, Zhenqing. Henan Tumor Hospital-Institute, Zhangzhou 450003, China [1]. Clinical study of the routine treatment of cancer coordinated by qigong. 2nd World Conf for Acad Exch of Medical Qigong. Beijing, China. 129E; 1993.

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