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 Qigong and Taiji: Bibliography on Cancer 

39. Zhao, Hongmei; Bian, Jingnan. Hospital of the East Lake, Wuhan, China [1]. Curative effect of intelligence qigong on 122 tumor patients. 2nd World Conf for Acad Exch of Medical Qigong. Beijing, China. 130E; 1993.

40. Wang, Ying. No. 2 People's Hospital, Taiyuan 030002, China [1]. Clinical observation on 30 cases of cancer treated by qigong therapy. 2nd World Conf for Acad Exch of Medical Qigong. Beijing, China. 131Ea; 1993.

41. Cong, Jing; Lu, Zhong. Hospital Cong Jing Traditional Chinese Medicine, Zhibo, Shandong Province, China [1]. Curative effect on 120 cancer cases treated by Chinese-Western medicine and qigong therapy. 2nd World Conf for Acad Exch of Medical Qigong. Beijing, China. 131Eb; 1993.

42. Fu, Jingzhi. First Affiliated Hospital, Henan Medical University, Zhenzhou, China [1]. Treatment of advanced gastric cancer in the aged by the combination of qigong and medicinal herbs. 2nd World Conf for Acad Exch of Medical Qigong. Beijing, China. 132E; 1993.

43. Obitsu, Ryoichi. Obitsu Sankei Hospital, Japan [1]. From medicine of organ to medicine of field -- 10-year experience of application of qigong to medical practice. 2nd World Conf for Acad Exch of Medical Qigong. Beijing, China. 133E; 1993.

44. Yuan, Zhifu. Family Acupuncture Center, San Clemente, CA 92672, USA [1]. Survey of 100 doctors using simulated qigong in the USA. 2nd World Conf for Acad Exch of Medical Qigong. Beijing, China. 144E; 1993.

45. Van Benschoten, M. M. Qigong and cancer: a research project with Professor Huawen Wu. Fourth International Conference on Qigong. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 28-29; 1995.

46. Omura, Y.; Losco, B. M.; Omura, A. K.; Takeshige, C.; Hisamitsu, T.; Shimotsuura, Y.; Yamamoto, S.; Ishikawa, H.; Muteki, T.; Nakajima, H. (Heart Disease Research Foundation, New York.). Common factors contributing to intractable pain and medical problems with insufficient drug uptake in areas to be treated, and their pathogenesis and treatment: Part I. Combined use of medication with acupuncture, (+) Qi gong energy-stored material, soft laser or electrical stimulation. Acupunct Electrotherapeutics Res, Intl J. (New York). 1992; 17(2): 107-48; ISSN: 0360-1293.

47. Sancier, K. M. (Qigong Institute, East West Academy of Healing Arts). Medical applications of qigong. Alternative Therapies in Health & Medicine. 1995; 1(4); ISSN: 1078-6791.

48. Koh, T. C. Qigong--Chinese breathing exercise. Am J Chin Med (UNITED STATES). 1982; 10(1-4): 86-91; ISSN: 0192-415X.

49. Lei, X. F.; Bi, A. H.; Zhang, Z. X.; Cheng, Z. Y. (Department of Immunology, Tongji Medical University, Wuhan.). The antitumor effects of qigong-emitted external Qi and its influence on the immunologic functions of tumor-bearing mice. J Tongji Med Univ (CHINA). 1991; 11(4): 253-6; ISSN: 0257-716X.

50. Wu, Huawen [and others]. The Observation of Cancer Cells of the Stomach under the Effect of the Emitted Qi Released by Qigong Master by Laser Raman Spectrometer. Chinese Journal of Somatic Science. 1992 Feb 1; 2(1): 24.

51. Qian, Zhusen [and others]. Experimental Research of Influence of Qigong WaiQi on the Cancer Growth Metastasis and Survival Time of Host. Chinese Journal of Somatic Science. 1994 Aug 1; 4(3): 117. ISSN: 1005-9466.

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