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 Mind/Body Tools for Peak Performance: Choosing your Path: What is a Qigong or Taiji Master? 

"Master" is the word that all cultures use to describe someone who has attained high levels of skill. A Taiji (T'ai Chi ) master is generally one who has exceptional skill in doing the form or in using the Taiji principles in boxing (kung fu, martial arts) and in life. A Qigong (Ch'i Kung) master is generally someone who has exceptional skill in teaching the arts of self healing and performance enhancement.

A master may also have the skills of special insight, spiritual transcendence or projecting healing energy to others. Mastery is the presence within the individual of qualities that are generally considered unattainable or supernatural.

Rarely, if ever, will a true master call himself or herself a master. So, one quick test for mastery is whether the individual self describes their self using the word master. True mastery is recognizable, there the true master will be acknowledge as such without having to declare it.

Mastery is frequently associated with non touch healing (Qi emission), psychic knowing or walking on sharp swords. Mastery is as often expressed as warm, supportive, loving energy as it is expressed as Qi "phenomena" like moving objects without touching them, shrinking tumors or conducting high voltage electricity.

    Two critical aspects regarding Taiji and Qigong masters:
    • Their skill is the expression of either a profound gift or deep devotion to practice.
    • Their abilities can be radically distracting to your own empowerment. If the master heals you the message is that the healing came from outside yourself. This is an illusion.

The beauty of mastery is that it shows where we can go, mastery inspires by demonstrating the possibilities.

The downside of the "master" allure is that it can put those of lesser skill into a vulnerable position. Believing that they have to get the benefits from a master they live in the illusion that they can't get the benefits themselves. Because so many people have lost access to self reliance the excitement of finding a master replaces the profound power of personal practice.

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 About The Author
Roger Jahnke OMDRoger Jahnke has been in the health field since 1967 beginning with body therapies, herbal medicine, Tai Chi, Yoga and meditation. He turned his attention seriously to Oriental medicine in 1972 with study at the North......more
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