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 Integrative Medicine: Colic 

Lactobacillus bifidus is another friendly bacteria that helps improve digestion. Some experts think bifidus may be more effective than acidophilus in young infants. A nursing mother should take one dose, twice a day. Give a bottlefed baby 1/8 teaspoon dissolved in formula, twice daily.

Herbal Treatment
Chamomile tea is a well-known soother and relaxant. A breastfed baby's mother should drink 1 cup, twice a day. Give a bottlefed infant 1 teaspoon of tea, three times daily, in formula or water, for three to four days. Then reduce the dosage to twice daily.

Fennel can also be helpful in relieving colic. The nursing mother can drink 1 cup of fennel tea, three times a day. Or dilute 1 cup of fennel tea in 2 cups of water, and give your baby 1 teaspoon of the diluted tea, four times a day.

A nursing mother can drink 1 cup of ginger tea, three times a day, to help relieve her baby's colic.

Peppermint tea helps to speed the emptying time of the stomach, enhances digestion, and acts as an antiflatulent. Give your child 1 teaspoon of peppermint tea, four to five times a day.

Note: If you are giving your child peppermint tea as well as a homeopathic preparation, allow one hour between the two. Otherwise, the strong smell of the mint may interfere with the action of the homeopathic remedy.

Try giving your baby a combination herbal tea. Israeli researchers gave a daily dose of about 1/2 cup of a tea made from chamomile, licorice, fennel, and balm-mint to babies who were experiencing episodes of colic, and found that symptoms were eased in more than half the children studied.

Like most homeopathic formulas, the remedies listed here are symptom-specific. Based on your knowledge of your colicky baby, select a suitable remedy.

Colocynthis and Magnesia phosphorica, two abdominal relaxants, are the most commonly prescribed homeopathics for colic. They are especially effective when used together. Dissolve one dose of Colocynthis 12x or 6c and one dose of Magnesia phosphorica 12x or 6c in a small amount of spring or distilled water at room temperature. With an eyedropper, squeeze a dropperful into your baby's mouth, three times daily, as needed. This combination remedy should bring relief within two days. If your infant's colic has not eased after two days, stop giving the remedy. It is unlikely that it will be helpful.

Carbo vegetabilis is a homeopathic remedy for the colicky infant with a pale face and distended upper abdomen. His legs may be cold from the foot to the knee. This baby is restless and cries even when nursing or being fed, and burps for a long time after feeding. He seems to feel better when being held and worse when put down. Give this child Carbo vegetabilis 12x, 30x, or 9c by dissolving one dose in 8 ounces of spring water and squeezing a few drops into his mouth, three times daily, for two days or until symptoms improve.

(Excerpted from Smart Medicine for a Healthier Child ISBN: 1583331395)
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 About The Author
Janet Zand LAc, OMDJANET ZAND, O.M.D., L.Ac. is a nationally respected author, lecturer, practitioner and herbal products formulator whose work has helped thousands of people achieve better health....more
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