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Reduce Stress
Improved immune function
Achieving ideal weight.
Improved sugar metabolism

 Acupuncture Usage - Auricular (Ear) Acupunture: Current Bibliographies in Medicine: Acupuncture Usage - Auricular (Ear) Acupunture 
National Institutes of Health ©
Selected Controlled Trials

Allison DB, Kreibich K, Heshka S, Heymsfield SB. A randomised placebo-controlled clinical trial of an acupressure device for weight loss. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 1995 Sep;19(9):653-8.

Krause AW, Clelland JA, Knowles CJ, Jackson JR. Effects of unilateral and bilateral auricular transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on cutaneous pain threshold. Phys Ther 1987 Apr;67(4):507-11.

Lewis SM, Clelland JA, Knowles CJ, Jackson JR, Dimick AR. Effects of auricular acupuncture-like transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation on pain levels following wound care in patients with burns: a pilot study. J Burn Care Rehabil 1990 Jul-Aug;11(4):322-9.

Liu H, Lu Y, Dong Q, Zhong X. Treatment of adolescent myopia by pressure plaster of semen impatientis on otoacupoints. J Tradit Chin Med 1994 Dec;14(4):283-6.

Liu WZ, Yang YB, Li DZ. [Observation of the relative specificity between the stimulated auricular point and propagated sensation along channel (PSC)]. Chen Tzu Yen Chiu 1986;11(2):158-61. (Chi).

Melzack R, Katz J. Auriculotherapy fails to relieve chronic pain: a controlled crossover study. JAMA 1984 Feb 24;251(8):1041-3.

Mok MS, Parker LN, Voina S, Bray GA. Treatment of obesity by acupuncture. Am J Clin Nutr 1976 Aug;29(8):832-5.

Noling LB, Clelland JA, Jackson JR, Knowles CJ. Effect of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation at auricular points on experimental cutaneous pain threshold. Phys Ther 1988 Mar;68(3):328-32. Published erratum appears in Phys Ther 1988 Jul;68(7):1145.

Oliveri AC, Clelland JA, Jackson J, Knowles C. Effects of auricular transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on experimental pain threshold. Phys Ther 1986 Jan;66(1):12-6. Published erratum appears in Phys Ther 1986 Apr;66(4):579.

Spacek A, Huemer G, Grubhofer G, Lackner FX, Zwolfer W, Kress HG. [The use of ear acupuncture (P29-PAD, Occiput) in the case of a drop in blood pressure following the administration of Thiopental]. Dtsch Z Akupunkt 1996;39(1):18-22. (Ger).

Strom H. [Effect of electro-acupuncture of the ear on joint movement and pain after meniscectomy. A controlled triple-blind study]. Ugeskr Laeger 1977 Sep 26;139(39):2326-9. (Dan).

Tekeoglu I, Adak B, Ercan M. Suppression of experimental pain by auriculopressure. Acupunct Med 1996;14(1):16-8.

Other Data

Asamoto S, Takeshige C. Activation of the satiety center by auricular acupuncture point stimulation. Brain Res Bull 1992;29(2):157-64.

Cantoni G, Pontigny JA. Recherche scientifique francaise et acupuncture. Sainte-Ruffine (France): Maisonneuve; c1989. 276 p. (Fre).

Caracausi SR, Lorenzini R. [Ear acupuncture - a modified method - in surgery for 'high risk' patients]. Acta Anaesthesiol Ital 1977;28(5):721-30. (Ita).

Caracausi SR, Lorenzini R, Pilloni C, Tognali F, Sciaretta G. [Spectrum analysis of the electroencephalogram during electrohypoalgesia (combined with electroacupuncture) and pharmacological anesthesia]. Minerva Med 1981 Sep 15;72(33):2209-14. (Ita).

Ceccherelli F, Ambrosio F, Adami MG, et al. [Failure of high frequency auricular electrical stimulation to relieve postoperative pain after cholecystectomy. Results not improved by administration of aprotinin]. Dtsch Z Akupunktur 1985;28(4):87-92. (Ger).

Chen H. Recent studies on auriculoacupuncture and its mechanism. J Tradit Chin Med 1993 Jun;13(2):129-43.

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