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 Acupuncture Usage - Low Back, Sciatica: Current Bibliographies in Medicine
Acupuncture Usage
Low Back, Sciatica
National Institutes of Health ©

Fox EJ, Melzack R. Transcutaneous electrical stimulation and acupuncture: comparison of treatment for low-back pain. Pain 1976 Jun;2(2):141-8.

Gao W. Acupuncture at Yinmen in treating acute lumbar sprain. Int J Clin Acupunct 1993;4(3):331-3.

Guangtian X. 150 cases of lumbar and thoracic sprain treated by needling unilateral Houxi (SI 3) point. Chin J Acupunct Moxibustion 1990;3(3):177-8.

Harter D. [Comparison of acupuncture and paravertebral injections in the treatment of lumbo-sciatica. A retrospective study based upon 253 patients in a pain clinic]. AKU 1995;23(1):30-6. (Ger).

Heydenreich A, Heise H. [Osteopathic and reflexotherapeutic aspects in patients with impaired potency. A preliminary report]. Man Med 1989;27(2):33-5. (Ger).

Kikukawa A, Tachibana S, Yagura S. G-related musculoskeletal spine symptoms in Japan Air Self Defense Force F-15 pilots. Aviat Space Environ Med 1995;66(3):269-72.

Laitinen J. Acupuncture and transcutaneous electric stimulation in the treatment of chronic sacrolumbalgia and ischialgia. Am J Chin Med 1976 Summer;4(2):169-75.

Leung PC. Treatment of low back pain with acupuncture. Am J Chin Med 1979;7(4):372-8.

Leung SJ. Acupuncture treatment for pain syndrome. I. Treatment for sciatica (report on 90 cases). Am J Chin Med 1973 Jul;1(2):317-26.

Lewith GT, Turner G, Machin D. Effects of acupuncture on low back pain and sciatica. Am J Acupunct 1984;12(1):21-32.

Li J, Chenard JR, Marchand S, Charest J, Lavignolle B. [Acupuncture points and trigger-points: reactivity to pressure and skin response in patients with chronic low back pain]. Rhumatologie 1994;46(1):11-9. (Fre).

Lisenyuk VP, Yakupov RA. Osteoelectroacupuncture in the management of vertebrogenic pain syndromes in the lumbar region and lower extremities. Acupunct Electrother Res 1992;17(1):21-8.

Lopacz S, Gralewski Z. [Evaluation of the results of treatment of low backache by acupuncture or suggesting (preliminary report)]. Neurol Neurochir Pol 1979 Jul-Aug;13(4):405-9. (Pol).

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Marks E, Dworecki J. [Treatment of sciatica by acupuncture]. Wiad Lek 1983 Jul 1;36(13):1061-5. (Pol).

Milanov I. Electroacupuncture treatment of lumbosacral disc root disease. AKU 1993;21(3):183-9.

Nie HY, Nie S, Nie ML. Needling "Shuangyang" in treatment of sciatica: clinical observation of 384 cases. Int J Clin Acupunct 1995;6(1):87-9.

Pei J. Treatment of sciatica by acupuncture at jiaji points--a report of 168 cases. J Tradit Chin Med 1994 Dec;14(4):266-8.

Poentinen PJ, Hakkarainen H, Ketovuori H, Salmela J. Stimulation-produced analgesia in treatment of postoperative low back pain. Am J Acupunct 1979;7(1):61-6.

Pontinen PJ. Acupuncture in the treatment of low back pain and sciatica. Acupunct Electrother Res 1979;4(1):53-7.

Qi LY, Duan SJ, Liao WJ. Acupuncture treatment of sciatica and a preliminary study of the analgesic mechanism. J Tradit Chin Med 1985 Sep;5(3):179-84.

Qing W, Fuchun W. 100 cases of prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc treated by acupuncture and tuina. Chin J Acupunct Moxibustion 1990;3(3):169-71.

Qinming R, Zhikai R. 1000 cases of acute lumbar sprain treated by acupuncture. Chin J Acupunct Moxibustion 1990;3(1):43-5.

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dsbnayak wrote
   2/22/2011 3:44:00 AM    (report abuse)
THE MRI REPORT IS ; Impression: MR Image morphology is suggestive of *C3-C4, C4-C5, C5-C6, C6-C7 intervertebral disc shows posterior subligamentous disc protrusions associated with bilateral lateral discs and thickened posterior longitudinal ligament noted. Posterior osteophytes noted thereby causing significant compression on the ventral spinal cord with loss of anterior CSF column. Marked reduction in spinal canal dimensions noted. The cervical spinal cord shows intramedullary signal alteration with thinning of cord. ----> Features are suggestive of Sever cervical spondylosis with compressive myelopathy changes noted in the cord associated with myelomalacia. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sir, The above one is the MRI report of my father. am kindly requesting you to suggest medicine in homeopathy .
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