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 Homeopathy: Earaches 



  • Another common earache remedy after pus has formed in the middle ear Confirmatory symptoms
  • Earache worse from warmth and worse at night
  • Profuse, bad-smelling perspiration, head sweats
  • Increased salivation, bad breath, puffiness of the tongue
  • Symptoms are worse when stooping or bending over and improved by warmth or being wrapped in warm covers



  • Later stages of an earache
  • Physical weakness and tiredness
  • Chilliness, desire for warm covering Confirmatory symptoms
  • Mild and whimpering disposition but less interested in affection than the
  • Pulsatilla patient
  • Pain behind the ear in the region of the mastoid
  • Sweating about the head or on the hands or feet

    Belladonna is the most commonly indicated homeopathic medicine during the early stages of an ear infection or earache, especially when the illness begins suddenly with few prior cold symptoms, Within an hour or two the child is in intense pain. He may have had a watery runny nose for a short while, but the mucus isn’t cloudy, colored, or thick. The outer ear, ear canal, or eardrum may be bright red, but pus hasn't formed and the eardrum is still normally shaped. A sudden high feveroften begins about the same time as the earache. The ear pain may extend down into the neck, and there may be associated sore-throat or facial pain.

    Ferrum phos. is used in much the same way as Belladonna, in the early stages of suddenly occurring earaches not yet accompanied by pus formation. The onset is not quite as sudden, the fever is not so high, and the overall condition of the child is a little less intense. You can also give Ferrum phos. if you’ve already tried Belladonna and it still seems indicated, but hasn't worked. Chamomilla is indicated chiefly by the effects of the illness on the child's mood, and less so by particular symptoms. Children for whom Chamomilla is indicated are extremely irritable. They scream and cry angrily, do not want to be touched, and can’t be comforted. They may ask for things that they then reject, and they are likely to hit you for crossing them at all or for no apparent reason. Sometimes the child can be calmed by being carried. The earache generally doesn’t come on as quickly as in the Belladonna case, but the pain is severe and the child may scream. The symptoms may be made worse by stooping or bending over and improved by warmth or being wrapped in warm covers. A discharge from the ear is less typical of Chamomilla than of other medicines discussed later. There is usually a watery runny nose and, less often, a very thick discharge. As with Belladonna, the nasal mucus is usually not colored. Whatever the particular symptoms, though, be sure to consider Chamomilla for the child who is in severe pain, especially if he is extremely irritable.

    Another commonly effective medicine is Pulsatilla. In contrast to Chamomilla, it is indicated for children who are sweet, placid, loving, and mild during the earache. The Pulsatilla child may be irritable, but the irritability is weak and whiny, not violent as is the Chamomilla or Hepar child. Pulsatilla children want to be held and cuddled and are comforted when given affection. They too may scream with the pain but are just as likely to weep piteously. Pulsatilla is more frequently indicated for ear infections that develop after cold symptoms have been persistent for a few days. The nasal discharge has become thick and yellow to green in color. Though pain may be fairly severe, sometimes there seems to be no pain at all. Examination often shows a red, swollen eardrum and a buildup of pus in the middle ear. A thick yellow-green discharge may be seen at the external canal. The pain is typically worse at night and in a warm room. There may be a sensation of pressure in the ear. The child may or may not be feverish but tends to feel uncomfortably warm and wants fresh air. She is noticeably less thirsty than usual, even with a high fever. In any case, the strongest indication for Pulsatilla is the characteristic mildness and clinginess of the child.

  • (Excerpted from Everybody's Guide to Homeopathic Medicine ISBN: 0874776414)
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     About The Author
    Dana Ullman, MPHDANA ULLMAN, MPH, is one of America's leading advocates for homeopathy. He has authored 10 books, including ...more
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