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Which of the following in NOT a direct benefit of a regular walking regimen?
Reduce Stress
Improved immune function
Achieving ideal weight.
Improved sugar metabolism

 Reiki: What is Reiki and How Can It Help Me? 
Reiki is a vibrational, or spiritual, healing practice that promotes overall balance. It is facilitated through light, non-invasive touch to a fully clothed person who is either lying down or sitting comfortably. The beginning level, or First degree, Reiki practice is easy to learn and practice on oneself. People receiving Reiki treatment typically experience reduced stress and pain, and an increased sense of well-being. After Reiki treatment, people report feeling more centered, clear, and present. Reiki is not dangerous or harmful in any medical condition or setting because there is no substance ingested and the touch is very light and completely non-manipulative. Reiki can be offered just off the body when even light touch is contraindicated, as in the case of burns. Reiki treatment will support, and never interfere with, other medical or healing interventions being used, and will help manage side effects of necessary, but invasive, medical treatments such as radiation, chemotherapy, or surgery.

The following unique characteristics of Reiki make it appropriate and easy to use in a wide range of circumstances:

  • Reiki is easily learned at the entry level, or First Degree practice, by anyone who has the interest, including children, the elderly and people with serious illnesses such as cancer or HIV/AIDS.
  • Reiki is as effective in self-treatment as when received from another.
  • Reiki is effective in self-treatment regardless one's physical or emotional health.
  • Reiki healing vibration is precipitated spontaneously by the recipient through the practitioner, according to the recipient's current needs, so there is no diagnosis needed - nor does the receiver have to be ill to benefit.
  • Reiki treatment is balancing to both recipient and practitioner.
  • Reiki treatment can be offered simultaneously with any medical, complementary or alternative treatment.
  • Reiki practice is simple; it cannot be done incorrectly.
Benefits of Reiki treatment
Reiki is a subtle healing pulsation that activates spontaneously in a trained practitioner according to the current need of the person receiving treatment. This is true in self-treatment as well as when the practitioner is offering treatment to someone else.

Reiki supports balance in the person’s entire system - physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual - and can gently effect balance on even the deepest levels of being where the subtle underpinnings of disease are held.

Each person's path of healing is unique, and the benefits that individuals attribute to their Reiki treatment are varied and numerous, but there are some benefits that are experienced more often than not. Besides the immediate feeling of profound relaxation, the following benefits are commonly reported:

  • improvements in sleep and digestion
  • effective pain management
  • lessened anxiety
  • greater ease in breathing
  • reduction of side effects of medications and invasive medical treatments such as radiation or chemotherapy
  • clearer thinking
  • support in recovery from addictions
  • enhancement of self-esteem
  • greater self-acceptance and self-awareness
  • increased satisfaction in relationships
  • sense of spiritual connectedness that does not involve adherence to specific beliefs
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 About The Author
Pamela Miles Pamela Miles, founding president of the Institute for the Advancement of Complementary Therapies (I*ACT), has 35 years experience as a clinician, educator and lecturer in natural healing.......more
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