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 Fitness Programs for Older Adults: Fitness for Longevity: The Relationship Between Exercise and Lifespan 

Other Factors Relating to My Theory of Exercise = Longer Life

  • Exercise encourages a healthy lifestyle. It is well recognized that those who begin a fitness program concomitantly reduce or even stop smoking, avoid junk foods, control consumption of alcohol, and begin thinking optimistically about themselves.

  • Exercise controls the progression, and can even reverse, obesity. People who exercise burn additional calories preventing the deposition of fat inside the body while reducing their percentages of stored body fat.

  • Since exercise helps to control body weight, it is statistically proven that those who maintain normal body weights are less likely to develop diabetes.

  • Contrary to popular belief, exercise does not have to be vigorous or difficult. As long as an extra demand is placed upon the body, above that which is normally experienced, the body will become conditioned and adapt to the new (good) stress and become stronger and healthier. With this strategy of progressive resistance, year-round progress is assured as the body is paced within its own metabolic capabilities and recovers nicely. Training for a marathon might not be your answer for health and longevity, especially if a 2 mile walk or run is you’re (personal) best prescription for health.

  • Begin exercise after seeking professional assistance, even hire a personal trainer. Learning the correct ways to exercise cannot be over-emphasized. I encourage that you write down your goals, strengths and weaknesses, and present them to some one who can provide the answers. Start at your own pace and progress when you feel capable. If, on certain days, you perform below your expectations, don’t get alarmed. The body has its own biorhythm and will fluctuate in energy and strength workout after workout. Just get out there and enjoy yourself, you don’t have to measure up to any body else or to your previous best days.

  • Exercise sessions do not have to last several hours to be productive. If you exercise correctly, sessions well under one hour will be sufficient for all your needs. However, if you like taking long walks or bike rides, or feel like playing tennis one afternoon, go ahead and enjoy yourself. To prepare and better endure your workouts, bring along some water, or maybe a good carbohydrate drink, as this will keep you hydrated and prevent any mineral imbalances.

  • You’re never too old. Start now! I don’t care how old you are. Exercise isn’t only for the young and energetic, it’s for everyone!

  • Treat yourself. Everyone thinks in order to get into shape you have to make all new friends, live on an organic farm, and own your own gym--not true. To give up your regular life would be a major deprivation. Sure there are those things you will have to eliminate, or curb a bit, but as long as you exercise and eat sensibly, you will obtain benefits that will contribute to your health and longevity.

  • To age successfully really relates to how well you have lived your life. I witness so many life extension enthusiasts who become overwhelmed with finding that "new" drug or miracle hormone that will banish all the neglect of their previous years. I do believe that there are some great products that contribute to health and well-being, but I feel a foundation must be laid, and maintained, of sensible exercise and good eating habits if you truly plan to live life to its fullest.
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 About The Author
John Abdo JOHN ABDO is regarded world wide as an authority on life motivation, health, fitness and athletic conditioning. As a former Olympic trainer, John has trained numerous Olympic and World-Class athletes, including Bonnie......more
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