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How many people each year suffer some type of preventable harm that contributes to their death after a hospital visit?
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from 132,000 to 210,000
from 210,000 to 440,000

 Genetic Code Intervention: Genetic Code Intervention - Can science change our destiny? 

According to Dr. Vincent Giampapa, director of the Plastic Surgery Center and the National Skin Institute in Montclair, New Jersey, "The most prevalent steroid hormone circulating in our body is DHEA [dehydroepiandrosterone]. Scientific evidence indicates that DHEA has a regulating effect on other endocrine hormones including growth hormone, testosterone, pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, thymus, and pancreas. Our BioMarker analysis of DHEA can guide us toward an accurate replenishment therapy which may influence the natural productions of all other hormones and help to reset blood hormonal levels back to normal".

"Knowing what to eat, when to eat and how much to eat is an intricate science..." Parrillo

Not all genetic code intervention involves the use of drugs and hormones. "Natural substances, obtained from foods, are the key ingredients to health and a great looking physique". This is a statement made by world renown sports nutritionist John Parrillo of Parrillo Performance, located in Cincinnati, Ohio. Parrillo preaches, with strong conviction, the basis for all health and performance should begin with food first, then supplement with a variety of nutrients. "Knowing what to eat, when to eat and how much to eat is an intricate science which I’ve spent many years researching. Even though I find hormone replacement therapy fascinating, I encourage everyone to educate and discipline themselves to scientific nutrition."

Alex Duarte, Ph. D., clinical and sports nutritionist from Grass Valley, California, has spent a great deal of his life researching the nutritional and medicinal properties obtained from natural sources [i.e., plants and animals].

According to Dr. Duarte, the earth itself, not [only] the laboratory, possesses a myriad of substances which prevent and heal illnesses and contribute to vibrant health, supreme athletic performances and extend life span. Duarte states, "Optimum nutrition, scientifically applied, will help you achieve optimal performance and success in all areas of your life. Such nutrition can be obtained from herbal sources which stimulate endogenous productions of hormones and strengthen the immune system. Substances like ginseng, velvet deer antler, shark cartilage, and a plethora of others are used to produce the effects once sought after by synthetic drugs, all without side effects". Dr. Duarte is a living testimony of natural cures. From infancy he was inflicted with a congenital heart problem and suppressed immune system. Dr. Duarte’s work in microbiology revealed a variety of non toxic alternatives to the synthetic treatments he was overwhelmingly prescribed as a youngster. Today Dr. Duarte is healthy, strong and living a successful vibrant life.

The knowledge and experience gained by dedicated anti-aging specialists offers a remarkable pool of information for all athletes and fitness enthusiasts. Whether it’s natures herbs, plants, animal products, or synthetic vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants, the field of life extension addresses the chemistry of the entire human biological system which positively influences all areas of health and performance.

The science of anti-aging medicine and life-extension is truly destined to become one the most widely practiced fields in biological science. And with the efforts of organizations like The Life Extension Foundation, health enhancing and life extending information will not be suppressed from our lay population by drug promoting bureaucrats revealing the [real] truth about anti-aging medicine and making available the substances and treatments we truly deserve.

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 About The Author
John Abdo JOHN ABDO is regarded world wide as an authority on life motivation, health, fitness and athletic conditioning. As a former Olympic trainer, John has trained numerous Olympic and World-Class athletes, including Bonnie......more
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