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Which of the following health conditions is not directly benefited by breathing exercises?
High blood pressure

 Herbal Medicine: Heart Attack 
Ischemic myocardial necrosis usually resulting from abrupt reduction in coronary blood flow to a segment of myocardium.

A myocardial infarct, or heart attack, occurs when the blood supply to some part of the heart muscle (myocardium) is abruptly stopped. This is often due to clotting in a coronary blood vessel. Blood supplying the heart muscle comes entirely from two coronary arteries, both lying along the outside surface of the heart. If one of these arteries or any part of one suddenly becomes blocked, the area of the heart being supplied by the artery dies. The death of a portion of the heart muscle is a myocardial infarct, and the amount of the heart affected by the sudden occlusion will determine the severity of the attack. If the heart continues to function, the dead portion is eventually walled off as new vascular tissue supplies the needed blood to adjacent areas.

As is discussed elsewhere, stress can be a contributing factor here too. The details of this relationship are not entirely clear, but may be due to the fact that stress increases the stickiness of blood and makes it more likely to clot. Anxiety, fear, and stress may bring on such attacks, as there is an increase in adrenaline and noradrenaline release at such times. These hormones increase the work of the heart, making it beat faster. The pain experienced is itself a stress; sufferers become afraid of having an attack and the heightened anxiety makes one more likely.

Actions indicated for the processes behind this disease:
Cardiac Tonic: will aid in the renewal of tissue and regaining as much cardiac function as possible.
Peripheral Vaso-dilator: help the process of re-oxygenation of ischemic tissue as well as helping the prevention of another attack.
Hypotensive: are often appropriate because of associated hypertension. They are usually indicated cardiac tonics as well.
Nervine: will ease the stress component, which may be either causal or a result of experiencing cardiac trauma.

System support
The cardiovascular system needs all the tonic support it can get. Similarly the nervous system will have experienced a major shock. Post-infarctrecovery may be helped with the judicious use of adaptogens.

Specific Remedies
Crataegus may be thought of as a specific here, as with many other myocardial problems.

One possible prescription for post-infarct recovery:

Hawthorn -- 3 parts
Yarrow -- 1 part
Linden Blossom -- 1 part
Siberian Ginseng -- 1 part
Ginkgo -- 2 parts
to 2.5ml of tincture combination 3 times a day
Garlic should be used as a dietary supplement.
Broader Context of Treatment
Counseling support during the process of life-style re-evaluation is very important. Similar issues must be addressed as those already covered above.
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 About The Author
David Hoffmann BSc (Hons), MNIMHWhilst working in conservation and lecturing in ecology and the eco-crisis for the University of Wales, David Hoffman became convinced that to heal the world, to embrace planetary wholeness and responsibility for it......more
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