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 Homeopathy: Holodynamics: A Quantum Leap to Your Full Potential 
The conference room at The Rancho Santa Fe Inn near San Diego is dim and hushed as small groups of six people focus intensely in the process known as a Relive-Prelive. Thirty adventurers in consciousness have gathered together with Dr. V. Vernon Woolf, to take a quantum leap in personal and planetary unfoldment during a five day, sixty hour Holodynamics Phase II Seminar. The air almost crackles with the emotional intensity as one person at a time in each group is guided through a very special journey. It is a journey which is designed to remove the blocks to growth which have been passed down through our geneological bloodlines, or are the results of experiences from "past" lives, "future" lives, other dimensions or parallel worlds. The process is a delicate mixture of the rational and the intuitive. Deep emotional release and profound shifts in consciousness occur spontaneously, prompted by following intuitive guides who create the journey within, and a facilitator who keeps the process on track with respect to the patterns which need to be transformed. Each Relive-Prelive is unique and fascinating, as the process of individual development helps to unfold the full potential of the Reliver. Experiences run the gamut from dealing with trans-generational family issues of alcoholism and abuse, to mourning the loss of one's home planet eons ago before migrating to the earth, or another existence in a parallel world which holds the keys to one's growth in this one. Generational patterns are taken back to their source, such as back to Abraham and the source of the suffering of the Jews, or to the Irish potato famine, or to a limiting decision made by the first humans on the planet and passed down through the generations. Projection into the future yields some surprising predictions of what life will be like for future generations. Personal belief systems are stretched to the breaking point, then transformed to a higher level as the experience unfolds.

Vern Woolf oversees the process sensitively and intuitively, intervening directly to help someone who is endlessly cycling through a left brain pattern rather than surrendering to his or her intuitive guidance. Over the past several weeks and during the first three days of the seminar, he has tirelessly "set the field" for quantum shifts to occur in all of us. With over 20 years of experience in psychotherapy, comparative religion and research into quantum physics, he is uniquely qualified to be our guide into realms where some of us have never ventured. He has studied in detail each of our family trees and the collages we have made in the process of tuning into our family patterns. He has previously educated us in the basic principles of Holodynamics in his Phase I seminar, and continued the process in Phase II by teaching us about generational and trans-generational patterns of behavior which affect whole family systems in profound ways. Through his lectures, delightful stories and entertaining exercises, we have come to realize that all of life is a complex web of energy, matter and thought forms called holodynes, all interacting as particles and waves in the quantum field of existence.

Holodynes are multi-dimensional, holographic units of memory storage which behave like living entities. They include aspects of consciousness such as memories, beliefs, attitudes, ego-states, personality parts and behavior patterns. They are created from experiences, sensory input, genetic inheritance, imprinting, imagination, modeling others and from experiences in this and other realities. Holodynes are like software for the mind, or in some cases like computer viruses, which either perform well in a mature manner or gum up the works. They persist at a particular level of development, generating their patterns, until they are transformed to a higher level.

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 About The Author
Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman ND, MSWJudyth Reichenberg-Ullman, ND, DHANP, MSW is a licensed naturopathic physician board certified in homeopathic medicine. She graduated with a degree in ...more
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