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 Homeopathy: Holodynamics: A Quantum Leap to Your Full Potential 

According to Vern, and other quantum thinkers such as David Bohm, there is an implicate order to the universe, which underlies the universe we we know it. This implicate order is made up of six levels, from the physical to the universal, which corresponds to six stages of development. Everything in the universe develops according to these same six stages, ie. physical, personal, interpersonal, systems, principles and universal. Our holodynes may mature successfully through all six levels, or because of multi-dimensional factors, they may get stuck in the process and form immature personality patterns and ego-states, limiting decisions and beliefs and creating all of the problems which we experience in our lives. Our holodynes are not only personal, however, but also the result of family and cultural patterns which we inherit or model.

The secret to solving our problems is to intuitively determine the holodynes which are creating the problems, whether they are personal, cultural or geneological and to mature them up through the six levels until they reach their full potential. When a holodyne has been matured to its full potential it becomes an ally and advisor to us, rather than a limitation. Holodynes which have been matured in turn serve the process of our total maturation by sitting in council at a "roundtable" in our inner "place of peace", to advise us daily about important choices in our lives. These advisors oversee the basic six levels of our development. The most important advisor is our "Full Potential Self", a mature holodyne which represents our basic sense of self, matured to its fullest potential, with all the qualities of wisdom, compassion, humor, power, love and more which lie within us. The Full Potential Self becomes our primary inner guide for the process of our own growth and maturation until we realize our full potential. Meeting your Full Potential Self in your place of peace is a moving and profound experience.

Holodynamics has two primary processes. The first, taught in Phase 1, is Tracking and Potentializing, the second, taught in Phase II, is the Relive-Prelive. Tracking and Potentializing is the process of maturing your personal holodynes which are limiting your growth and subse- quently manifesting your full potential in all areas of life. Tracking involves identifying the holodyne, finding out its real intention and creating the mature holodyne which is the realization of that intention. Through the power of love and acceptance, the immature holodyne is trans- formed into its higher form, unleashing tremendous amounts of creative energy. Potentializing uses this energy to manifest the mature holodyne in the outer world to solve the problem.

The Relive-Prelive matures up the holodynes of your family, culture and other dimensions of your life. Through these processes, you can accelerate your growth tremendously in order to reach your full potential as a human being. You can also transform your relationships, the organizations you are a part of and the entire world into their full potentials. The applications are awesome, and perhaps hold the key to bringing the entire planet to a higher order of development.

In the few months since we have studied with Vern Woolf and have begun to apply the principles of Holodynamics to our own lives and to the therapy work we do with our patients, we have been amazed at the shifts which have occurred, personally and professionally. Whenever we encounter limitations to growth, we simply mature the holodynes to their full potential and manifest the result in the world. This results in changes in all levels of life. When family and cultural patterns are the cause of difficulties, then the Relive-Prelive process can quickly and profoundly clear the way. We hope that you, too, will be able to explore and use the principles of Holodynamics to realize your own Full Potential Self on our Full Potential Planet, Earth.

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 About The Author
Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman ND, MSWJudyth Reichenberg-Ullman, ND, DHANP, MSW is a licensed naturopathic physician board certified in homeopathic medicine. She graduated with a degree in ...more
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