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 Integrative Medicine: Hyperactivity  

Nutritional Supplements
A liquid calcium and magnesium supplement is calming to the nervous system. After you have eliminated preservatives and sugar from your child's diet, give him this supplement. Children from five to seven years old should take 1 teaspoon, once daily. Children seven to ten years old should take 1 teaspoon, twice daily. Children ten years and older should take 1 tablespoon, once or twice daily. Follow this regimen for two months, then decrease the dose to five days a week for three months. Then stop giving the supplement altogether.

Choline appears to improve memory and attention span in some children. If your child is fourteen years of age or older, try giving him 500 milligrams a day for one month.

A liquid vitamin-B complex supplement is very important for hyperactive children. It helps to relax a stressed nervous system and improve mental functioning and concentration. Follow the dosage directions on the product label and give the recommended dose for two months. Then decrease the dosage to five days a week for three months. Thereafter, stop giving the supplement altogether.

Herbal Treatment
For age-appropriate dosages of nutritional supplements, see Dosage Guidelines for Herbs and Nutritional Supplements.

Chamomile tea is a noted relaxant. Give your child one dose at bedtime, as needed.

Minor bupleurum is a Chinese herbal formula that works to relax the nervous system and can help relieve stress. Give your child one dose daily for one month, followed by wild oat for one month (see below).
Note: Minor bupleurum should not be given to a child who has a fever or any other sign of an acute infection.

Skullcap is a relaxant and calms the mind. Give your child one dose, three times a week, for three months.
Note: This herb should not be given to a child less than six years old.

Wild oat calms the nervous system. Give your child one dose daily for one month.

Certain botanical scents may calm a hyperactive child. Mix 1 drop each of rosemary, sage, lavender, and chamomile oil in 1/8 cup of olive oil, and use this aromatic oil to rub your child's feet and spine at bedtime. Native Americans traditionally use rosemary and sage to relax the mind.

It is best to see a homeopathic physician to determine a constitutional remedy for a hyperactive child. The remedies that follow will help alleviate symptoms, however. Whichever remedy you choose, unless otherwise indicated, try giving your child one dose, three times a day, for five days. Do this every other month for six months.

For the child who is thin, excited, anxious, and always in a hurry, use Argentum nitricum 30x or 9c. This child craves sweets, which adversely affect his behavior. He maybe susceptible to conjunctivitis and tonsillitis. This child is afraid of crowds and dislikes going to any public places, including school. He prefers being outdoors.

(Excerpted from Smart Medicine for a Healthier Child ISBN: 1583331395)
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 About The Author
Janet Zand LAc, OMDJANET ZAND, O.M.D., L.Ac. is a nationally respected author, lecturer, practitioner and herbal products formulator whose work has helped thousands of people achieve better health....more
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