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 Integrative Medicine: Hyperactivity  

Calcarea phosphorica 30x or 9c benefits the devilish young child, usually a boy, who is restless, shy, and fearful, but who loves to take chances and play tricks. This child tends to have abdominal gas, has a slightly swollen abdomen, and may have enlarged tonsils.

If your fidgety child stops being fidgety once he has attracted attention, give him Chamomilla 30x or 9c. This type of child can become so hyperactive that he will get exhausted and begin to cry.
Note: Do not give your child both homeopathic Chamomilla and herbal chamomile tea. They will cancel each other out. To achieve the calming effect of chamomile, choose one form or the other.

Give Kalibromatum 30x or 9c to the restless child who is constantly doing something with his hands--hrowing a ball, shooting marbles, flying an airplane. If no toy is at hand, this child cracks his knuckles. Kalibromatum's hands are never still

Give Lycopodium 30x or 9c to the child who is more tired, more restless, or more irritable between 4:00 and 8:00 P.M. Tired or not, this child doesn't want to sit down at the dinner table, but prefers to run around. This child looks older than his years and is usually of above-average intelligence.

One dose of Medorrhinum 200x or 1m will help the child who is irritable, agitated, and in a hurry. This child may have a history of diaper rash as a baby, and later skin rashes and asthma.

Stramonium 30x is for the child with severe hyperactivity and possible violent agitation. His speech is loud, fast, and possibly incoherent.

For the locations of acupressure points on a child's body, see ADMINISTERING AN ACUPRESSURE TREATMENT.

Four Gates helps to relax a child's stressed nervous system.

General Recommendations
Eliminate preservatives and sugar from your child's diet. This is the first and most important thing you can do for a hyperactive child. For further improvement, follow all of the recommendations under Dietary Guidelines.

Give your child a liquid calcium and magnesium supplement.

Give your child the Chinese herb minor bupleurum.

Select a symptom-specific homeopathic remedy. If you are not satisfied with the results, work with a homeopathic physician to find a constitutional remedy.

Seek counseling and try behavior modification. These disciplines help a child understand the problem he is wrestling with, how to set goals and standards, and how to recognize and evaluate his behavior. They can be immensely helpful. Such programs teach internal controls that can tee used in various situations. Your child will learn to provide rewards for accomplishments, and how to learn from his mistakes. Work with your doctor or counsel or in developing behavior modification programs. It is important that the program be clear, easily understood, and easily executed by all who are involved in it-the child as well as the adults. It is essential that these interventions be undertaken with care and compassion, in a calm and loving environment. The child should be a willing participant. Make certain you both understand that these programs are meant to help, not punish.

(Excerpted from Smart Medicine for a Healthier Child ISBN: 1583331395)
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 About The Author
Janet Zand LAc, OMDJANET ZAND, O.M.D., L.Ac. is a nationally respected author, lecturer, practitioner and herbal products formulator whose work has helped thousands of people achieve better health....more
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