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 Herbal Medicine: Hypertension 

System support
The cardio-vascular system needs tonic support, and this is supplied by the core hypotensive remedies. Other areas that need attention include the nervous system and potentially the lungs, beyond that it will depend upon the individual case.

Specific Remedies
A number of herbs have a reputation as being specific for hypertension, usually working because of their impact on one or other of the processes involved in the conditions development. The hypotensives fit this description. The most important plant remedy within western medicine is Hawthorn, probably followed by Linden. European mistletoe and Olive leaves are other well known plants thought of as specifics. However the multi-factorial etiology of hypertension limit the value of the concept of a specific in its treatment.

One possible prescription:

Hawthorn -- 2 parts
Linden Blossom -- 1 part
Yarrow -- 1 part
Cramp Bark -- 1 part
Valerian -- 1 part
2.5ml of this tincture combination 3 times a day
Garlic should be used as a dietary supplement.
This supplies:
  • hypotensive (Hawthorn, Linden Blossom, Yarrow, Cramp Bark, Valerian)
  • cardiac Tonic (Hawthorn, Linden Blossom)
  • diuretic (Yarrow, Hawthorn, Linden Blossom)
  • anti-spasmodic (Linden Blossom, Cramp Bark , Valerian)
  • vascular tonics (Hawthorn, Linden Blossom, Yarrow)
  • nervine relaxant (Linden Blossom, Cramp Bark , Valerian)
Other plants would come to mind depending upon the individuals specific symptom picture. For example if headaches are part of the picture of the patients hypertension then include Wood Betony as part of the prescription. If there are palpitations associated add Motherwort. Stress as a factor would indicate increasing the nervine content and possibly including an adaptogen.

A possible prescription for Hypertension with stress as a major factor:

Hawthorn -- 2 parts
Linden Blossom -- 1 part
Yarrow -- 1 part
Siberian Ginseng -- 1 part
Skullcap -- 1 part
Cramp Bark -- 1 part
Valerian -- 1 part
to 2.5ml of tincture combination 3 times a day
Garlic should be used as a dietary supplement.
A possible prescription for Hypertension with associate headache:
Hawthorn -- 2 parts
Linden Blossom -- 1 part
Yarrow -- 1 part
Cramp Bark -- 1 part
Valerian -- 1 part
Wood Betony -- 2 parts
to 2.5ml of tincture combination 3 times a day
Garlic should be used as a dietary supplement.
A possible prescription for Hypertension with palpitations:
Hawthorn -- 2 parts
Linden Blossom -- 1 part
Yarrow -- 1 part
Motherwort -- 1 part
Cramp Bark -- 1 part
Valerian -- 1 part
to 2.5ml of tincture combination 3 times a day
Garlic should be used as a dietary supplement.
From here it is possible to fine tune an individuals' medications to address their unique situation. The possibilities are as endless as people are diverse. From depression, debility, digestive problems, to bronchitis or P.M.S., the phytotherapists' formulation can readily embrace their treatment.
A possible prescription for Hypertension with depression:
Hawthorn -- 2 parts
Linden Blossom -- 1 part
Yarrow -- 1 part
St. Johns Wort -- 1 part
Cramp Bark -- 1 part
Lavender -- 1 part
to 2.5ml of tincture combination 3 times a day
Garlic should be used as a dietary supplement.
Broader Context of Treatment
There are a plethora of factors that have been identified as being important in the cause and treatment of essential hypertension. However it must be remembered that causation is always multi-factorial and statements about alcohol or calcium are often too simplistic. For example, one study failed to show any association between heavy coffee consumption and long term hypertension. Such coffee drinkers tend to be heavy smokers as well and this in turn may be associated with a lower body weight and thus a lower blood pressure- but with increased risk of heart attack!
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 About The Author
David Hoffmann BSc (Hons), MNIMHWhilst working in conservation and lecturing in ecology and the eco-crisis for the University of Wales, David Hoffman became convinced that to heal the world, to embrace planetary wholeness and responsibility for it......more
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