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 Homeopathy: Indigestion 
The information provided here is not only applicable to children but to most people with indigestion.


  • Digestive problems in infants and children could be very routine or potentially dangerous. Medical supervision should be considered concurrent with homeopathic constitutional care if symptoms persist.

Aconitum: Digestive problems that occur during very hot weather, especially after drinking ice drinks, may benefit from this remedy. The abdomen is sensitive to touch. These children experience nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Aethusa: When children are unable to digest milk, leading to colic, diarrhea, and nausea and vomiting, this is a medicine to consider giving. They regurgitate the milk and other food within one hour of eating or drinking, sometimes with violent or projectile vomiting. The vomitus usually contains yellow or green curds. The children are cold and clammy, feel very weak and fall asleep after vomiting. They are also restless, anxious, and weepy.

Antimonium crudum: These children regurgitate milk shortly after ingesting it. They become disgusted from all food, although they tend to be thirsty in the evening. They may experience a watery diarrhea of undigested food particles which is aggravated by becoming overheated or by eating vinegar or acid foods. Their nausea is particularly common at night and in the early morning. Characteristically, they have a thickly coated white tongue.

Antimonium tart: Constant nausea which may be felt in the chest is experienced by these children. They have copious amounts of saliva in their mouth, and their tongue is coated white. They may crave apples and acid drinks, but are aggravated by such drinks. This medicine is rarely given at the beginning of an illness.

Argentum nit: These children have a strong craving for sweets, even though they tend to cause them problems, especially flatulence. Infants tend to develop diarrhea when their breastfeeding mother eats a lot of sweets. They are aggravated by warmth in any form and crave cold, open air.

ARSENICUM: This medicine is as often given based on the child's General Characteristics as it is on the nausea and vomiting symptoms. It is one of the most commonly prescribed for diarrhea, though it is also often given for nausea and vomiting. These children are chilly and are aggravated by exposure to any cold. They experience their worst symptoms at or after midnight. They are restless and constantly changing position, especially in bed, and they may get sick enough to feel weak and weary. Their abdomen is sensitive to touch, though it feels better from warm applications. Warm drinks also may be soothing. There are burning pains in the stomach that are worse from most foods or drinks (especially cold food or drinks, which are quickly vomited), taking a deep breath, or the least touch. They may also have a burning vomit which will irritate the throat and a burning diarrhea which will irritate the anus. They tend to be thirsty but take only sips of water at a time.

BRYONIA: These children suffer from indigestion after eating rich or fatty foods. The food lies in the stomach undigested and feels like a heavy lump. They feel nauseated and may vomit, usually feeling worst in the morning upon rising. They are aggravated by motion, whether it be rising from the bed, walking, or simply taking a deep breath. They have burning and cutting pains in the stomach or liver. They cannot bear a light touch on the abdomen but can be relieved by firm pressure. They sometimes have concurrent constipation, a white coated tongue, and a headache over the front part of the head.

(Excerpted from Homeopathic Medicines for Children and Infants ISBN: 0874776929)
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 About The Author
Dana Ullman, MPHDANA ULLMAN, MPH, is one of America's leading advocates for homeopathy. He has authored 10 books, including ...more
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