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 Homeopathy: Indigestion 

Calcarea carb: This medicine is as often given based on the General Characteristics as it is on the nausea and vomiting symptoms. These children are chilly and very sensitive to anything cold, though they prefer to drink ice drinks. Despite being chilly, their head is hot, and it tends to sweat profusely. Their perspiration and their stools are sour smelling. Typically, these children are fair skinned and pudgy with poor muscle tone. They may concurrently get a sore throat with swelling on the tonsils and lymph glands. They have a distended abdomen and tend to be constipated. Like their stools and perspiration, their vomit is sour smelling. This vomit is often in curds shortly after nursing or eating. They suffer from indigestion after eating fat or drinking milk.

CHAMOMILLA: Although these children have characteristic physical symptoms, their psychological symptoms tend to be more prominent. Consider this medicine first if children suffer from digestive problems either before, during, or after a temper tantrum. They are extremely irritable and cross. They impatiently demand something but then refuse it once it is offered. Nothing satisfies them, except being rocked or carried or warm applications on their abdomen, and these only provide temporary relief. These children have a distended abdomen, and passing gas does not ameliorate their symptoms. The children double up, kick, and scream. Their abdomen is very sensitive to touch. They may experience vomiting with retching and may also be covered in a cold sweat. They also tend to have green, foul-smelling stools or diarrhea with undigested food. If they vomit, they tend to experience much retching. They are averse to warm drinks.

Colocynthis: Like Chamomilla, this remedy is for children with digestive problems before, during, or after a temper tantrum. These children tend to experience various types of cramping pains. They have cutting and gripping cramps in the abdomen which are worse by eating or drinking, even small amounts. They have cramps with nausea, diarrhea, and much gas which may be relieved by bending over or when lying on the abdomen. The child may want to hang over a chair or bed in a way which applies pressure to the abdomen. This firm pressure may provide some relief at first, but later the abdomen will be sensitive and aggravated by all touch. Temporary relief can be obtained by warm applications, violent motion, or passing gas or a stool. They have a bitter taste in their mouth, and their tongue feels burnt or scalded.

Ignatia: This medicine should be considered when children have digestive problems after experiencing grief or anxiety. They are known to have painless urgent diarrhea when they are emotionally upset. They tend to have a sense of a lump or heaviness in the stomach. They may also have an empty, "all gone" feeling in the stomach that is relieved by eating. Strangely enough, their nausea is sometimes ameliorated by eating. They tend to have a paradoxical appetite: they will be averse to ordinary diet, warm food, and meat, but crave exotic foods, sour foods, and normally difficult to digest foods. They also sometimes crave bread, especially rye bread. They are aggravated by fruits, sweets, and cold drinks, and they sometimes sweat during eating. They get relief from taking a deep breath, and so they tend to sigh frequently, taking deep breaths each time. These remedy is commonly given to bulimic or anorexic adolescent girls.

(Excerpted from Homeopathic Medicines for Children and Infants ISBN: 0874776929)
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 About The Author
Dana Ullman, MPHDANA ULLMAN, MPH, is one of America's leading advocates for homeopathy. He has authored 10 books, including ...more
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