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 Homeopathy: Parents on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown - Treating Irritability in Children 

He had to do things his own way (3) and was very obstinate (3).

When reprimanded or sad, he would repeat his name over and over again (2). He wept from anger or frustration (2). His parents tried to set limits, but his outbursts were so strong that the attempts were unsuccessful. He had very little patience (3). He repeated his requests many times (3). He became easily frustrated, like when he tried to put together a puzzle, and gave up.

He thrashed when angry (3) and did not want consolation (2). They only thing which would stop his crying was to give him what he wanted. He loved to sit in the rocking chair when his mother put on his shoes.

He had a recent bout of otitis media when his most recent teeth came in. He was teething very slowly (3). He still had ten teeth to go. His height and weight were now at the 20th percentile and his head size was 90%.

Brent now desired cookies (3), apples (3), cheese (3), scrambled eggs (2) and juice (2). He was a thirsty child (2). We gave him another dose of Chamomilla 1M.

He had a good response to the remedy. Within four days his mucus and irritability were 90% better. The following week his appetite increased, he was more independent, and played more creatively. He continued to do well until three weeks later when he was exposed to eucalyptus. Several days later his runny nose and irritability returned.

He was again very sensitive to being touched (3) and was "whining big time" (3). If he didn't get what he wanted in an instant, he yelled loudly.

His was oversensitive (3) and easily upset by the slightest thing (3). He was given Chamomilla 10M.

Brent's temperament again evened out. He was still uncomfortable with other kids getting too close, but no longer screamed at them if they brushed against him. All the rest of his teeth came in. He only whined when tired. He now exploded quickly, then was fine. He needed another dose of Chamomilla 10M five months later after an exposure to menthol.

Both of these children were enough to drive their parents to despair, yet relatively sweet and manageable after homeopathic treatment. Their temperaments were quite similar in many ways. They represent clear remedy pictures of Cina and Chamomilla, two remedies to consider for very irritable children. Other remedies to strongly consider in such cases are Stramonium, Nux vomica, Tuberculinum, and Medorrhinum.

Dr. Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman and Dr. Robert Ullman are licensed naturopathic physicians and are board certified in homeopathy. They are President and Vice President of the International Foundation for Homeopathy where they teach homeopathy to licensed health care professionals. They practice in Edmonds, WA at 131 3rd Ave., N., Edmonds, WA 98020 and can be reached at (206) 774-5599. Their new book, The Patient's Guide to Homeopathic Medicine, is now available.

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 About The Author
Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman ND, MSWJudyth Reichenberg-Ullman, ND, DHANP, MSW is a licensed naturopathic physician board certified in homeopathic medicine. She graduated with a degree in ...more
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