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 Smoking: Smoking Cessation: Articles Used in Guideline Meta-Analyses 
Listed below are the reference citations used to develop the meta-analyses tables for the Clinical Practice Guideline on Smoking Cessation, Number 18. The references are grouped to correspond to tables and/or chapters contained in the guideline.

Table 2. Efficacy of and Cessation Rates for Various Durations of Treatment

British Thoracic Society. Smoking cessation in patients: Two further studies by the British Thoracic Society. Thorax 1990 Nov;45:835-40.

Bronson DL, Flynn BS, Solomon LJ, Vacek P, Saucer-Walker RH. Smoking cessation counseling during periodic health examinations. Arch Intern Med 1989 Jul;149:1653-6.

Cottraux JA, Harf R, Boissel JP, Schbath J, Bouvard M, Gillet J. Smoking cessation with behaviour therapy or acupuncture--A controlled study. Behav Res Ther 1983;21:417-24.

Curry SJ, Marlatt GA, Gordon J, Baer JS. A comparison of alternative theoretical approaches to smoking cessation and relapse. Health Psychol 1988;7:545-56.

Decker BD, Evans RG. Efficacy of a minimal contact version of a multimodal smoking cessation program. Addict Behav 1989;14:487- 91.

Demers RY, Neale AV, Adams R, Trembath C, Herman SC. The impact of physicians' brief smoking cessation counseling: A MIRNET study. J Fam Pract 1990 Dec;31:625-9.

Gillams J, Lewith GT, Machin D. Acupuncture and group therapy in stopping smoking. Practitioner 1984 Mar;228:341-4.

Ginsberg D, Hall SM, Rosinski M. Partner support, psychological treatment, and nicotine gum in smoking treatment: An incremental study. Int J Addict 1992 May;27:503-14.

Gruder CL, Mermelstein RJ, Kirkendol S, Hedeker D, Wong SC, Schreckengost J et al. Effects of social support and relapse prevention training as adjuncts to a televised smoking-cessation intervention. J Consult Clin Psychol 1993;61:113-20.

Hilleman DE, Mohiuddin SM, Delcore MG, Lucas BD Jr. Randomized, controlled trial of transdermal clonidine for smoking cessation. Ann Pharmacother 1993 Sep;27:1025-8.

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Huber D. Combined and separate treatment effects of nicotine chewing gum and self-control method. Pharmacopsychiatry 1988;21: 461-2.

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Lando HA, Hellerstedt WL, Pirie PL, McGovern PG. Brief supportive telephone outreach as a recruitment and intervention strategy for smoking cessation. Am J Public Health 1992 Jan;82: 41-6.

Langford ER, Thompson EG, Tripp SC. Smoking and health education during pregnancy: Evaluation of a program for women in prenatal classes. Can J Public Health 1983 Jul;74:285-9.

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Ockene JK, Kristeller JL, Goldberg R, Ockene I, Merriam P, Barrett S et al. Smoking cessation and severity of disease: The Coronary Artery Smoking Intervention Study. Health Psychol 1992;11:119-26.

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Page AR, Walters DJ, Schlegel RP, Best JA. Smoking cessation in family practice: The effects of advice and nicotine chewing gum prescription. Addict Behav 1986;11:443-6.

Patel C, Marmot MG, Terry DJ, et al. Trial of relaxation in reducing coronary risk: Four year follow up. Br Med J 1985 Apr;290:1103-6.

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Richmond RL, Webster IW. A smoking cessation programme for use in general practice. Med J Aust 1985 Feb;142:190-4.

Russell MA, Merriman R, Stapleton J, Taylor W. Effect of nicotine chewing gum as an adjunct to general practitioners' advice against smoking. Br Med J 1983 Dec;287:1782-5.

Russell MA, Wilson C, Taylor C, Baker CD. Effect of general practitioners' advice against smoking. Br Med J 1979 Jul;2:231-5.

Sanders D, Fowler G, Mant D, Fuller A, Jones L, Marzillier J. Randomized controlled trial of anti-smoking advice by nurses in general practice. J R Coll Gen Pract 1989 Jul;39:273-6.

Sexton M, Hebel JR. A clinical trial of change in maternal smoking and its effect on birth weight. JAMA 1984 Feb;251:911-5.

Shaughnessy AF, Davis RE, Reeder E. Nicotine chewing gum: Effectiveness and the influence of patient education in a family practice. J Fam Pract 1987;25:266-9.

Sivarajan ES, Newton KM, Almes MJ, Kempf TM, Mansfield LW, Bruce RA. The patient after myocardial infarction. Limited effects of outpatient teaching and counseling after myocardial infarction: A controlled study. Heart Lung 1983 Jan;12:65-73.

Slama K, Redman S, Perkins J, Reid AL, Sanson-Fisher RW. The effectiveness of two smoking cessation programmes for use in general practice: A randomised clinical trial. Br Med J 1990 Jun;300:1707-9.

Stevens VJ, Glasgow RE, Hollis JF, Lichtenstein E, Vogt TM. A smoking-cessation intervention for hospital patients. Med Care 1993 Jan;31:65-72.

Stewart PJ, Rosser WW. The impact of routine advice on smoking cessation from family physicians. Can Med Assoc J 1982 May;126:1051-4.

Taylor CB, Houston-Miller N, Killen JD, DeBusk RF. Smoking cessation after acute myocardial infarction: Effects of a nurse- managed intervention. Ann Intern Med 1990 Jul;113:118-23.

Valbo A, Nylander G. Smoking cessation in pregnancy. Intervention among heavy smokers. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 1994 Mar;73:215-9.

Vetter NJ, Ford D. Smoking prevention among people aged 60 and over: A randomized controlled trial. Age Ageing 1990 May;19:164-8.

Weissfeld JL, Holloway JL. Treatment for cigarette smoking in a Department of Veterans Affairs outpatient clinic. Arch Intern Med 1991 May;151:973-7.

Williams JM, Hall DW. Use of single session hypnosis for smoking cessation. Addict Behav 1988;13:205-8.

Wilson DM, Taylor DW, Gilbert JR, Best JA, Lindsay EA, Willms DG et al. A randomized trial of a family physician intervention for smoking cessation. JAMA 1988 Sep;260:1570-4.

Wilson DH, Wakefield MA, Steven ID, Rohrsheim RA, Esterman AJ, Graham NMH. "Sick of Smoking" evaluation of a targeted minimal smoking cessation intervention in general practice. Med J Aust 1990 May;152:518-21.

Wilson D, Wood G, Johnston N, Sicurella J. Randomized clinical trial of supportive follow-up for cigarette smokers in a family practice. Can Med Assoc J 1982 Jan;126:127-9.

Windsor RA, Cutter G, Morris J, Reese Y, Manzella B, Bartlett EE et al. The effectiveness of smoking cessation methods for smokers in public health maternity clinics: A randomized trial. Am J Public Health 1985 Dec;75:1389-92.

Windsor RA, Lowe JB, Bartlett EE. The effectiveness of a worksite self-help smoking cessation program: A randomized trial. J Behav Med 1988 Aug;11:407-21.

Windsor RA, Lowe JB, Perkins LL, Smith-Yoder D, Artz L, Crawford M et al. Health education for pregnant smokers: Its behavioral impact and cost benefit. Am J Public Health 1993 Feb;83:201-6.

Table 4. Impact of Having a Smoking Status Identification System in Place on the Rates that Clinicians Intervene with their Patients who Smoke

Cohen SJ, Christen AG, Katz BP, Drook CA, Davis BJ, Smith DM et al. Counseling medical and dental patients about cigarette smoking: the impact of nicotine gum and chart reminders. Am J Public Health 1987 Mar;77:313-6. (treated as two studies)

Dietrich AJ, O'Connor GT, Keller A, Carney PA, Levy D, Whaley FS. Cancer: Improving early detection and prevention. A community practice randomized trial. Br Med J 1992;304:687-91.

Fiore MC, Jorenby DE, Schensky AE, Smith SS, Bauer RR, Baker TB. Smoking status as the new vital sign: Impact on assessment and intervention with patients who smoke. Mayo Clin Proc 1995 Mar;70:209-13.

Hahn DL, Berger MG. Implementation of a systematic health maintenance protocol in a private practice. J Fam Pract 1990;31:492-504.

Kottke TE, Solberg LI, Brekke ML, Conn SA, Maxwell P, Brekke MJ. A controlled trial to integrate smoking cessation advice into primary care practice: Doctors helping smokers, round III. J Fam Pract 1992;34:701-8.

McIlvain HE, Susman JL, Manners MA, Davis CM, Gilbert CS. Improving smoking cessation counseling by family practice residents. J Fam Pract 1992;34:745-9.

Robinson MD, Laurent SL, Little JM Jr. Including smoking status as a new vital sign: It works! J Fam Pract 1995 Jun;40:556-61.

Strecher VJ, O'Malley MS, Villagra VG, Campbell EE, Gonzalez JJ, Irons TG et al. Can residents be trained to counsel patients about quitting smoking? Results from a randomized trial. J Gen Intern Med 1991 Jan;6:9-17.

Table 5. The Impact of Having a Smoking Status Identification System in Place on the Rates of Cessation among Patients Who Smoke

Cohen SJ, Christen AG, Katz BP, Drook CA, Davis BJ, Smith DM et al. Counseling medical and dental patients about cigarette smoking: the impact of nicotine gum and chart reminders. Am J Public Health 1987 Mar;77:313-6. (treated as two studies)

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