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Which of the following is an antioxidant?
Vitamin E
Vitamin B

 Herbal Medicine: Stress - What is it and what causes it? 

Remember that not all people react adversely to these conditions. Many people cope quite well with demanding work environments, and may even appear to thrive in them. Jobs are not inherently stressful; it is when difficulties arise in coping with the demands, changes, or monotony of a certain job that it becomes unpleasant and increases the risk of ill health. Unemployment can also lead to higher risk of illness, brought about by a major life change and possible loss of self-esteem. Work meets not only financial but also social and psychological needs, and failure to meet those needs carries a high personal cost in terms of mental and physical well being.

  • Life Style: A lot of research has centered around identifying two basic life styles, known as type A and type B. The type A personality is competitive, striving, and usually under pressure; type B is more relaxed and calm. Type A exhibits what has been called the coronary-prone behavior pattern, because of increased chances of coronary heart disease. Other life styles supposedly represent various combinations of type A and type B, with proportional degrees of stress and propensity toward stress-induced diseases. The impact of such differences is discussed in he section on cardiovascular system..
  • Life Events: A number of studies have demonstrated a clear relationship between events that change our life situation and the onset of illness. These events can be anything from moving to a new home or getting married to being sued or being involved in a major traffic accident. Life events require adjustments in patterns of behavior and we often experience such adjustments as stressful. Perhaps the most significant life event is loss, actual, potential, or imagined, of a loved one. It can give rise to an emotional response of hopelessness and helplessness that results in our literally "giving up." When this happens, we can no longer cope, psychologically and biologically, with environmental demands. If we have a predisposition for a disease, then being in this psychological state makes the disease more likely to occur because our bodies are less capable of dealing effectively with the processes that give rise to the disease. Studies have shown that life events often cluster to a statistically significant degree in the two-year period preceding illness, and that the onset of an illness can be predicted when a number of life events coincide. As discussed below these results have led to attempts to quantify the impact of life changes and to identify the exact nature of the correlation with disease onset. Sickness
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     About The Author
    David Hoffmann BSc (Hons), MNIMHWhilst working in conservation and lecturing in ecology and the eco-crisis for the University of Wales, David Hoffman became convinced that to heal the world, to embrace planetary wholeness and responsibility for it......more
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