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How many people each year suffer some type of preventable harm that contributes to their death after a hospital visit?
from 46,000 to 78,000
from 78,000 to 132,000
from 132,000 to 210,000
from 210,000 to 440,000

 Natural Life Extension: Supplementation 

It is doubts such as these which highlight the need to keep supplementation natural, although excessive quantities of natural nutrients can themselves prove every bit as toxic as synthetic ones. The advantage which natural substances have is that they have been part of our human body economy for millions of years, and to a large extent we understand what they do and how they work. This cannot be said for synthetic substances, however attractive their use might appear at first glance.

The recommendation is chat any use of artificial antioxidants in a life extension programme should be seen as experimental at best and dangerous at worst.

General nutritional support
Even if you are not convinced of the need for antioxidant supplementation, it is still necessary to insist that any calorie restriction diet should be accompanied by the taking of one strong multimineral and one strong multivitamin capsule/tablet daily. These are essential to prevent any chance of deficiency from developing, something which would reduce the effectiveness of the diet dramatically. It is suggested that these supplements contain at least the current RDA levels for all the major nutrients, so that together with those nutrients derived from the diet you are absolutely certain of meeting your personal needs nutritionally.

Weindruch and Walford investigated the current state of nutrient deficiency in one or more essential vitamins or minerals which prevails in most population groups in Western society, despite high calorie dietary intakes, and they concluded: ~Either the foods (on the diet) must be carefully selected or the diet supplemented so that intake approaches RDA for all essential nutrients, at whatever calorie level is found to achieve slow bodyweight loss towards a maintenance level' This is unequivocal.

If you are going to follow a low calorie diet, as described in Chapter 12, with optimal intake of protein and fat, you must supplement with essential nutrients in order to avoid risk of serious imbalances.

The special needs of post-menopausal women
The near-epidemic of osteoporosis affecting post-menopausal women deserves a special mention as it is largely preventable. A balanced restricted calorie diet provides adequate calcium, as shown in Chapter 13. However, as an added insurance measure it is suggested that any woman approaching menopause who is intent on applying calorie restriction methods should supplement daily with 1 gram of calcium and 0.5 gram of magnesium. (These should be in the form of calcium citrate or calcium orotate and magnesium orotate, if possible. Ask at a good health store for advice.) It has been shown that regular supplementation enhances bone density in menopausal women, the most vulnerable of whom are those already underweight and white (for reasons which are not dear people of coloured origin and those who are above average weight are less prone to osteoporosis).

Methods of Lowering Core Temperature

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 About The Author
Leon Chaitow ND, DO, MROA practicing naturopath, osteopath, and acupuncturist in the United Kingdom, with over forty years clinical experience, Chaitow is Editor-in-Chief, of the ...more
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