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 Homeopathic Audio Clinic: The Common Cold 
Homeopathy treats the whole person by using tiny doses of natural substances to stimulate the body to heal itself. Only one medicine is given at a time. Homeopathic medicines are nontoxic, inexpensive, available in health food stores and pharmacies, and highly effective when prescribed correctly.

The common cold is a viral infection associated with a large number of viruses which infect the respiratory tract. The symptoms are well known to practically everyone, with sore throat and stuffy nose, watery nasal discharge at first, then becoming thicker and colored. Low-grade fever and headache are common. A loose or dry, hacking cough occurs as the cold "goes into the chest" and may persist for up to several weeks. Colds may be complicated by bacterial infections leading to sinusitis and ear infections and may progress to bronchitis or infrequently, pneumonia.

Homeopathy can effectively treat the common cold, shortening the severity and duration of symptoms, unlike conventional medicine. Antibiotics are not recommended for colds, only for severe bacterial infections that have not responded to homeopathic treatment.

The best homeopathic medicines for colds are:

Ferrum phosphoricum:
is useful in the very first stage of the cold when you feel like you are coming down with something, and there are few symptoms beside fever with flushed face, especially with round red spots on the cheeks.

Aconitum napellus:
is another medicine for the first stage of a cold that comes on suddenly and violently after exposure to a cold, dry wind or from fright or shock. There is high fever, fear and anxiety, and restlessness. A croupy cough comes on suddenly. There is a great thirst for cold drinks. One cheek may be red, the other pale.

Belladonna: colds also come on suddenly and violently with a bright red, flushed face, high fever, throbbing headache and extremely red, very sore throat. The symptoms are often right sided. Belladonna patients may become delirious with the high fever, and are very sensitive to light, noise and jarring. Their pupils are dilated and their skin hot and dry. They like to sit up in a quiet, dark room. They have a short, croupy, dry, barking cough. They crave lemons or lemonade and cold water or they may be thirstless.

Allium cepa:
Made from the onion, this medicine has symptoms similar to those you get from chopping fresh onions. A profuse watery nasal discharge which drips like a faucet and which burns and irritates the nose and upper lip is typical. The eyes run too, but the discharge is non-irritating. There is rawness in the throat and laryngitis. An incessant hacking, tickling cough is worse from breathing in cold air. These patients are better in the open air, and worse in a warm room. The colds may come on in damp, cold weather. They may have a strong hunger and thirst and a desire for onions.

is a medicine for a "ripe" cold with thick, bland, yellow-green nasal discharge and sputum. These children are weepy, whiny and clingy and want to be carried and cuddled. They are better from slow walking in the open air, feel warm and are worse in a warm, stuffy room. Pulsatilla patients feel abandoned, have changeable emotions and cry very easily. They crave butter, ice cream and creamy foods, but are aggravated by too much rich food. They are thirstless.

Natrum muriaticum:
is useful in colds with a thick nasal discharge like egg-white and cold sores on the lips. The lips are dry and cracked, with a crack in the middle of the lower lip. Frontal headaches are common. These patients are depressed, weepy and withdrawn and don't like to be consoled. They desire salt, pasta and bread.

Kali bichromicum:
patients have thick, stringy yellow-green nasal discharge and pressure in the sinuses and at the root of the nose, with thick post-nasal drip. This medicine is good for late stage colds. They have wandering aches and pains in small spots. The cough is productive with stringy green sputum. They are chilly and desire sweets.

(See also Bronchitis and Coughs and Flu.)

If your symptoms clearly match one of these medicines: Take one dose (three pills) of a 30C potency, dissolved in the mouth, at least five minutes away from food or drink. If you do not notice a change, repeat the medicine after four hours. If you have not noticed an improvement after two doses of the medicine, it is not the correct medicine. If your symptoms improve then get worse, take another dose. You should not need to take the correct homeopathic medicine more than three times a day for three days. Do not use coffee (other caffeinated products are okay), eucalyptus, camphor, menthol, acupuncture or electric blankets while using homeopathic medicines.

This information is meant for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the services of a qualified medical professional.

You need to consult a qualified homeopath or other physician:

1) If none of these medicines matches your symptoms.

2) If you have tried three homeopathic medicines for your condition without success.

3) If your symptoms are severe or getting significantly worse.

4) For chronic conditions.

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 About The Author
Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman ND, MSWJudyth Reichenberg-Ullman, ND, DHANP, MSW is a licensed naturopathic physician board certified in homeopathic medicine. She graduated with a degree in ...more
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