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 Homeopathy: The Promise of Homeopathy - Profound Life Transformation 

Excerpted from a presentation at "Renaissance in Health '92: The Next Generation", 35th Annual Naturopathic Physicians Convention, May 16, 1992 in Vancouver, B.C.

Three Cases of Life Transformations Through Homeopathy

The following cases are vignettes of three patients whose lives changed dramatically after homeopathic treatment. We included fewer details about each case than usual, but focused more on the most deeply limiting problem of each individual, and on his or her subsequent life transormation. Whatoriginally drew us to naturopathy and homeopathy was our hope of facilitating and witnessing such transformations as these .

Case 1. Cerebral Palsy and Spastic Quadriplegia in a Microencephalic, Blind, Deaf Child.

Elizabeth's foster mother first brought her in to us when she was two years and four months old and had been in the foster home for three months. During the entire interview, the child lay on the floor on her back, with her arms moving spastically (3).

Elizabeth's mother was a cocaine and alcohol abuser. Both parents were Hispanic. Elizabeth was removed from her parents' home at the age of one year due to domestic violence. Her mother "hit the streets" four months later and had not been heard from since. Elizabeth had a normal younger sister, who was also in foster care. Their mother took drugs throughout both pregnancies.

Elizabeth was fed only 2% milk until three months before we saw her, after she arrived at her current foster home. Before that time, she was in another foster home with a foster mother who hated her, but kept her for the money. While there, she was malnourished and weighed only 19 pounds. During the past three months prior to her first visit to us, she had gained three pounds.

According to the new foster mother's account, Elizabeth was "in her own world". She would plug her ears with her fingers (3) and roll her head from side to side (3) . She was extremely averse to being touched or moved (3) . She was terrified of water (3) and screamed when she was bathed (3). She was also terrified of having her diaper changed (3). Elizabeth loved music (2) and noise (2) . She would stop crying when her foster mother sang to her.

Elizabeth did not walk, crawl, or sit (all 3's). She was reportedly deaf and blind, but the foster mother wasn't sure this was true. She hummed and sang to herself all the time (3). She licked and touched everything (3). She stiffened her body (2). She slammed her head against the mattress to fall asleep (3) . She never stopped moving her arms (3) unless she was asleep. She was still diagnosed as quadriplegic. Her hand motions were considered to be a spastic phenomenon. Her eyeballs moved in different directions (2).

Case 2. Obsessive Jealousy.

Ed, age 50, presented with tremendous anguish (3) due to incessant and irrational jealousy (3) over his wife. He had been married for 15 years. When he met his wife, she told him that she had been engaged for two years previously. Now, many years later, It tortured Ed to think that another man had touched or kissed her (3) . No amount of reassurances on her part were enough. He knew intellectually that she had never slept with her former fiance, yet when she told him so, he accused her of lying to him. He threatened to divorce her, though he loved her deeply. [He wept at times uncontrollably during the interview.] Ed was very charming, intense, and heartfelt during the interview, an extremely likeable person with a winning personality.

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 About The Author
Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman ND, MSWJudyth Reichenberg-Ullman, ND, DHANP, MSW is a licensed naturopathic physician board certified in homeopathic medicine. She graduated with a degree in ...more
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