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 Herbal Medicine : Tonsillitis  
Acute inflammation of the palatine tonsils, usually due to streptococcal or, less commonly, viral infection.

Tonsillitis may be either an acute or chronic inflammation of the tonsils, located near the back of the tongue. (The adenoids, lymph glands located behind the nose, are often simultaneously inflamed.) Tonsillitis, which usually develops suddenly as a result of a streptococcal infection but may also be caused by a viral infection, is characterized by sore throat, fever, chills, headache, poor appetite, and weakness. The tonsils become swollen and red, with streaks of pus often visible on their surface. Acute tonsillitis usually clears up in about a week, but antibiotics may be prescribed to prevent complications such as middle-ear and sinus infections, formation of deep abscesses, spread of infection to other organs, and chronic tonsillitis. In chronic tonsillitis the tonsils tend to flare up in episodes of acute infection. Tonsillitis is more common in children than in adults.

Actions indicated for the processes behind this disease:

Lymphatics are of primary importance as this is an infection of lymphatic tissue.
Anti-microbials help the immune system combat the infection (whatever the `causal' organism might be) and help avoid secondary infection
Anti-catarrhals are indicated if there is associated sinus congestion or middle ear involvement.
Diaphoretics will help the body cope with any associated fever.
Expectorants are called for, in one of their varieties, if there is the development of secondary problems in the lower respiratory system.

System Support
The lymphatic system is the focus for tonic support, but if there is a recurrent pattern of infections, the immune system calls for strengthening.

Specific Remedies
The lymphatic alteratives usually have a local reputation as specifics in tonsillitis. In Britain the most famous would be Galium aparine.

One possible prescription:
Galium aparine --- --- --- 2 parts
Echinacea spp. --- --- --- 2 parts
Baptisia tinctoria --- --- --- 1 part
Calendula officinalis --- --- --- 1 part to 5ml of tincture three times a day. Treat for fever if indicated.

In Herbal Home Health Care, Dr Christopher recommends a fomentation of the following:
Verbascum thapsus --- --- --- 3 parts
Lobelia inflata --- --- --- 1 part of dried herb. Make a strong infusion. Dip cloth in fomentation and wrap around the neck at night. Do this each night until the condition clears up.
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 About The Author
David Hoffmann BSc (Hons), MNIMHWhilst working in conservation and lecturing in ecology and the eco-crisis for the University of Wales, David Hoffman became convinced that to heal the world, to embrace planetary wholeness and responsibility for it......more
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