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 Vaccination Center: Vaccination in Animals 
International Vaccination Newsletter ©

Finally, Driston Sherman, DVM, Colombus, USA, was quoted in Wolf Clan Magazine as saying: " When I was doing primary allopathic medicine, I saw two things. One is that within an hour after the vaccination was given, the animal was having trouble breathing or may have had redness of the skin. The other thing I saw quite often was usually about twelve to twenty-four hours after being vaccinated, animals with fever, loss of appetite, sleeping a lot, sometimes vomitting or diarrhea. Most of those cases usually took care of themselves without any intervention within twenty-four hours.

"Now that I'm doing holistic medicine, it's really intriguing to look at the medical histories of animals. One case that comes to mind is a cat with a history of these horrible-looking sores that occurred exactly 30 days after being vaccinated - two years in a row. You may want to call that coincidence. I have my suspicions but I can't say , for sure, what caused these conditions, which is very frustrating."

Gary Seymour FBIH DIHom wrote : "Under Israeli law every dog has to receive an anti-rabies vaccination once a year. Within seconds of receiving his first rabies shot, my dog had an adverse reaction and has been ill ever since (a distemper type illness).

"I am convinced that his illness is a direct result of the vaccination he has been given, and deeply fear the results of his vaccination. I see on an almost daily basis in my practice the adverse effects of vaccine poisoning to both childeren and adults. I am a protagonist of the total abolishment of vaccination in both humans and animals. If this short-sighted practice can be curtailed, or even slowed down by your Census, then I offer you my whole hearted support".


There is a great deal of evidence concerning the adverse effects of vaccines on dogs. This information is generally hidden, and is not easy to find. The Canine Health Census was first started after I lost two young Golden Retrievers. We thought it was time we dog owners gathered evidence, independent of drug company money.

Shortly after our two beautiful dogs died, we received articles and information from other dog lovers whose dogs were suffering from terrible illnesses or dying years before their time. A major authority in vaccine reactions in dogs is Jean Dodds DVM, an American vet and researcher. Ms Dodds contends that Multiple Live Virus vaccines (MLV vaccines) are responsible for many diseases of the immune system in today's dogs. She includes arthritis, epilepsy, thyroid disease, diabetes, allergies and other conditions as those linked to vaccine regime.

I, personally, have many, many letters from dog owners whose dogs reacted violently to their vaccines - within minutes, hours, months. Many say that their dog started limping shortly after vaccination, and the vet diagnosed arthritis. Others say that their dog started having epileptic fits shortly after being vaccinated. When you see letter after letter after letter saying these things, you soon realise that this is not coincidence. However, vets rarely tell their clients that a vaccine is the cause of their dogs? ill health. Is this because they don't think it is? Is it because they don't realise? Or is it because they are all frightened of telling the truth?

A vet typically pays about $5 in England for a vaccine shot. He will charge his client anywhere between $15 and ?$5. Some people in England - typically the people whose dogs have died, they believe, as a result of the vaccination - say that vaccines are big business for vets: they represent the profitability of a veterinary practice. Also, vets make a lot of money ?treating? the illnesses that arise from vaccines.

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