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 Yoga: Yoga Close to Home: Breathing the Gift of Life 

This process may seem too simple. As you stop to take the time to begin your practice you may note the profound shift your mind moves to. You also will notice the increase in muscle activity in your back, chest and ribcage. In the beginning when you are noticing your breathing you will have to think about lifting your chest up. In time you will be surprised to feel how the power of deep breathing will be the support that keeps your upper body lifted.

Now, with a deep inhalation, your personal journey with yoga can easily begin regardless of your age, your environment, or your physical limitations. Without intimidation or a flexible body your world will now open and expand with each new breath that you take. This is the simple beginning of a new awareness into the essence that is the support for life itself. Tapping on this doorway can lead to a magical journey into the mysterious world of the unquestionable gift which is the life force that is present and available within each and every one of us.

Some points:

  1. Observe your breath
  2. Balance your breath
  3. Follow your breath from the beginning to the completion of each inhale and exhale
  4. Feel the transformation to a calmer state of mind.

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 About The Author
Shelley Piser Shelley Piser is a teacher of teachers. Since 1972, Shelley has been studying and teaching throughout the US, Europe and Australia. She has been teaching Yoga in the Los Angeles area since......more
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