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 Flower Remedies: Your Pet's Emotional Health 
Leslie Kaslof J. ©

Chestnut Bud
This remedy is helpful in training situations. For the dog that has difficulty learning from prior experience, who tends to repeat the same mistakes over and over. It can be useful when teaching a puppy to make a distinction between right and wrong behavior, such as the difference between papers for paper training and today's paper on the sofa, or a rawhide bone and your shoes. Can be helpful used as an adjunct along with effective behavior modification training methods.

For highly strung dogs with a great deal of nervous energy. For those who are hard to keep from jumping or barking. While enthusiasm goes with the species, this remedy can help in modifying overly enthusiastic behavior.

For the dog who is totally exhausted, ill and/or traumatized. This remedy may help to bring comfort to the sick dog; use in conjunction with Star of Bethlehem.


The following is a listing of Flower Remedies and an example of some common indications for their use with cats.

For the extremely affectionate territorial, clinging, cat that tends to be possessive and jealous, always staying near you wanting to be held, petted and fussed after.

For the cat that has no tolerance for another animal or certain people.

The Flower Remedy for known fears, including but not limited to: thunderstorms, vacuum cleaners, trips to the vet, and visits by small children. When fear turns to terror use in combination with the flower remedy Rock Rose, or use the stress-relieving formula. Good used in combination with the Flower Remedy Aspen.

For the fraidy cat that is always slinking from safe place to safe place, never being quite at ease. Startles easily at any sound, even non-threatening sounds it has heard before. In instances where this problem is due to past or present abuse or trauma, Aspen can be combined with Star of Bethlehem.

Water Violet
This flower remedy can be given to most cats. It can help in modifying a cats instinct for aloofness and solitude, thus opening his/her capacity for interaction with people or other animals.

Helpful in easing stress and assisting emotional adjustment during periods of transition and change. This includes but is not limited to: the arrival of new human or animal babies, new pets in the house, moving, weaning, heat cycles, or the arrival of house guests.

This Flower Remedy is for the low cat in the pecking order, perhaps the runt. For the cat with little or no self-confidence. Self-esteem is an important part of feline well-being and is usually radiated by an emotionally balanced cat.

Star of Bethlehem
Can help ease stress associated with, past and present trauma, both physical and psychological. When recuperating from surgery, queening, car trips, injury, weaning, boarding and other traumas that affect your cat's dignity, freedom, health or security. For cats adopted from shelters, or found in the street.

For fatigue. Can be helpful in assisting runts, along with the Flower Remedy Olive to help comfort and build strength in sickly animals.

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