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Improved sugar metabolism


 US FDA: Maybe It's Time for the Hercules Solution... 
by Bolen Report - 4/18/2007

The anti-amalgam movement never stops.  They are so large, so informed, so organized, that that they span six time zones in the US alone - which means they can constantly keep up a barrage of assaults.  And, they do.

Which pleases me.

I'm not criticizing them when I say "they take the high road,"  in their strategies and tactics.  I do want to mention that their opposition lives on the "low road," and does not hesitate to use low road tactics.  A few years ago, when I was having dinner with some of their West Coast team I was asked how I would organize an assault, and I responded with the following:

"I'd hire a Private Detective firm, with a video camera, to follow around a specific dentist, one of those who owns one of those "dental mills" churning out mercury fillings to childrn on welfare.  I'd gather evidence of this dentist's extracurricular activities involving his twelve-year-old mistress on his boat, and her recent, paid-for-by-the-dentist, boob job, enlarging her breasts to 44 double D.  Then I'd have the group sue the dentist over mercury amalgams and make sure the news media got copies of the video."

Stunned, the West Coast team asked me if I knew of such a dentist.  I responded:

No, but think about what I just said.  Think about the type of person, in this day and age, who would install that much mercury into the mouths of children.  They're the same kind of people who would have, not only a twelve-year-old mistress, but absolutely would want her to have 44 double D boobs. Want to find one?  Look around."

They're still on the high road.

Why are they so intent on victory?

A dentist in the anti-amalgam movement explained it to me this way:

"Tim, think about what happens when the first mercury amalgam filling is installed in a ten-year-old child's mouth.  That mercury begins to leak into the body immediately causing serious problems.  You've begun a cycle of bad health that that person will never recover from."

High road, or low road, I wish the anti-amalgam movement the best. America should be grateful they're here.  I am.

Stay tuned...

Tim Bolen - Consumer Advocate

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Provided by Bolen Report on 4/18/2007
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