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Vitamin E
Vitamin B

 Herbal Medicine: Hypotension  
An excessive fall in blood pressure on assuming the upright position.

Allopathic medicine does not consider this to be a specific disease as such, but a manifestation of abnormal blood pressure due to a variety of causes. These include response to medication, an acute response to disease processes that cause electrolyte loss, some endocrine disorders and neurological disorders that involve the autonomic nervous system. Thus rational treatment must be based upon competent diagnosis.

Many people have a slightly 'lower than normal' BP and this is nothing to worry about. Herbal treatment will be called for if there are problems caused, such as dizziness on standing up, faintness, light-headedness etc. These areall manifestations of a reduction in cerebral blood flow.

Actions indicated for the processes behind this disease

Cardiac Tonic: tonics are very important here to ensure that the strength and tone of the vascular tissue is maintained.
Circulatory Stimulant: this stimulation will help move the blood around the body.
Peripheral Vaso-dilator: may or may not be necessary, depending on the patients case history. Ginkgo biloba would be the herb of choice because of its impact upon cerebral circulation.
Hypertensive: a number of plants are known that raise BP, butmost are inappropriate for ordinary usage. Broom (Scots Broom) is the safest example.
Bitter Tonic: bitter stimulation will help metabolism in general. If this is not immediately apparent, please review Bitters.
Nervine: there may be a role for nervine stimulants but this will depend upon the individual concerned.

System support
The cardio-vascular system must be the main focus of support, followed by the lungs and nervous system. The specific details will vary from person to person depending upon the diagnosis of their condition.

Specific Remedies
As this condition may be caused by a whole range of underlying pathologies it is inappropriate to look for specifics for hypotension as such.However Scots Broom has a well known effect of raising blood pressure because of a mild peripheral vaso-constricting action combined with a gentlecardio-active effect. This is, of course why it is strongly contra-indicatedin hypertension.

One possible prescription:

Hawthorn -- 2 parts
Scots Broom -- 2 parts
Gentian -- 1 part
Rosemary -- 1 part
Ginger -- 1 part
to 2.5ml of tincture combination 3 times a day
Broader Context of Treatment
Structural factors must be explored to see if there is some spinal misalignment that might be causing an inhibition of the free flow of blood intoand from the brain.
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 About The Author
David Hoffmann BSc (Hons), MNIMHWhilst working in conservation and lecturing in ecology and the eco-crisis for the University of Wales, David Hoffman became convinced that to heal the world, to embrace planetary wholeness and responsibility for it......more
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