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Which of the following in NOT a direct benefit of a regular walking regimen?
Reduce Stress
Improved immune function
Achieving ideal weight.
Improved sugar metabolism

 Herbal Medicine: Chicken Pox (Varicella) 
An acute viral disease, usually ushered in by mild constitution symptoms that are followed shortly by an eruption appearing in crops and characterizedby macules, papules, vesicles and crusting.

This common problem usually occurs in children less than nine years old.There is a low grade fever, headache, a rash that usually appears first on the face and scalp as red dots. These merge into pus- or fluid-filled blisters, which form crusts and scabs as they heal in various stages. Itching may be intense, each pock lasting several weeks. May form scars. Rash emergescontinuously over 4-6 days. Mostly central body, fewer on arms and legs.Inner mouth sometimes involved. Treatment is symptomatic as with measles, although there will be no photosensitivity to deal with. An example of asimple and very effective treatment for itching, that may avoid the complicationsof secondary infection caused by scratching, is again given by Ms. Riggs:

1 oz. dried Rosemary
1 oz. dried Calendula
1 qt. water
Clean washcloth
  1. Combine the Rosemary and Calendula with the water in a covered pot, bring to a boil and simmer gently for 5 minutes.
  2. Take the pot off the heat and steep the herbs for 15 minutes.
  3. Strain out the herbs through fine cheesecloth and discard them.
  4. Cool the wash to a comfortably warm temperature for applying to an infant's skin. Refrigerate any unused portion of the wash and reheat with each use.Discard any remaining wash after 3 days.

Application: This wash is most effective when applied right after a bath. Apply the wash as warm as possible, but not so warm that it is uncomfortableto an infant's already irritated skin. Test a little on the inside of your wrist before applying it. Dip the washrag in the wash, and wring it outso that it is not dripping but is quite damp. Press it gently on the infant's skin where needed. Do not rub! This will only cause more oozing and irritation.Let the wash air-dry on the skin. Perform this treatment once each night until the skin is clear, which, depending on the condition, is usually 2 days to 1 week.
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 About The Author
David Hoffmann BSc (Hons), MNIMHWhilst working in conservation and lecturing in ecology and the eco-crisis for the University of Wales, David Hoffman became convinced that to heal the world, to embrace planetary wholeness and responsibility for it......more
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