Should one soothe coughs, stimulate coughs or suppress coughs? It is always
preferable to focus on the underlying cause of the cough as removing the
cause will, obviously, alleviate the cough. In the sections that follow,
a number of different `cough remedies' are discussed. Always select the
appropriate approach for the individuals unique case. The key is getting
the balance right between the various stimulating, demulcent, anti-microbial
or anti-tussive herbs available. Treat the person and their experience not
the cough.
Acute inflammatory conditions of the respiratory system are primarily treated
with mucilage rich demulcents, acting as they do to soothe the inflamed
tissue It would be inappropriate to use the stimulating, saponin containing
expectorants in all cases, as they are best for sub-acute or chronic bronchitis
where an active expectoration is required. Any increased irritation in chronic
bronchitis will indicate the need for increased demulcancy. This facilitates
differentiated stages of cough therapy that can rapidly ameliorate the symptoms
 | Whilst working in conservation and lecturing in ecology and the eco-crisis for the University of Wales, David Hoffman became convinced that to heal the world, to embrace planetary wholeness and responsibility for it......more |
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