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 Inflammation – The Silent Killer (Part Two) 
The following is one in an ongoing series of columns entitled Women's Nutrition Detective by . View all columns in series
In my last article, I talked about inflammation as being a silent underlying cause for heart disease. And I pointed out many other diseases that are linked to one another by inflammatory processes.

It's important to realize that health problems caused by chronic inflammation don't just suddenly "happen." They often lie hidden for years until one day the fire becomes too hot and they burst into flame. That's when we pay attention and notice them. Since so many illnesses begin with chronic inflammation, we would all be wise to counteract it as early as possible. Changing your diet and eating more cooling foods, as I explained last month, is the first step. Finding the right anti-inflammatory nutrients is next.

Free radicals and inflammation
Free radicals are damaging oxygen molecules found in contaminants in our air and food. Some are even made in our bodies from substances in the foods we eat like fried, barbecued, and charbroiled foods. And free radicals are increased by coffee and alcohol. They’re found in our environment in pesticides, solvents used in cleaning supplies, and radiation from sunlight. We may not be able to escape free radicals, but we can limit our exposure to them.

Free radicals damage, or oxidize, other molecules in our bodies just like iron causes rust in the presence of oxygen. An overabundance of free radicals can lead to inflammation. To prevent or reverse this inflammation, we need extra antioxidants, nutrients that counteract the formation of oxidants. Begin with taking extra antioxidants like essential fatty acids, vitamins C and E, and flavonoids (compounds found in vitamin C).

Good old reliable vitamin C
Inflammation leads to a vitamin C deficiency by causing the vitamin to break down in our bodies and be excreted. This is unfortunate, because vitamin C and the flavonoids it contains are important anti-inflammatory agents. Be sure you get at least 500 mg of vitamin C with bioflavonoids each day. You can take as much as 1,000 mg every hour for a week unless this amount causes loose stools or irritates your stomach. Buffered, or Ester C, is less likely to cause these side effects.

Mercury-free fish oils
Meat and dairy products contain a pro-inflammatory fat called arachadonic acid. When arachadonic acid is released, it interacts with enzymes called cyclo-oxygenase — commonly known as COX-1 and COX-2. COX-2 produces inflammation. You may have heard of drugs that are called “COX inhibitors.” Well, there are natural COX inhibitors, too.

Fish oils are high in omega-3 fatty acids, essential fats that block COX-2. Omega-3 oils function in a manner similar to aspirin but without side effects. If you have chronic inflammation, you'll want to increase your fish-oil supplements to around three grams a day. But be careful: Some fish oils may contain mercury or pesticide residues. Three safe and clean supplements that I can vouch for are Mixed Fatty Acids (Women’s Preferred, 800-728-2288), Marine Fish Oil (ProThera 888-488-2488), and Carlson Laboratories’ Super Omega-3 (found in natural health stores).

Anti-inflammatory herbs
Numerous plants have anti-inflammatory properties, but instead of choosing one or two herbs at random, I suggest you use an anti-inflammatory formula. Often, a formula is more potent than any single herb because of its synergistic effects. This has been proven with traditional Chinese and Tibetan medicine, where single herbs are rarely used. I found two very different types of anti-inflammatory formulas, each with good studies supporting their effectiveness. One is a formula based on Western herbs, and the other is based on Tibetan medicine.

  • Zyflamend and InflaThera are two Western herbal formulas that block inflammation by preventing the excessive stimulation of COX-2 enzymes. Each formula contains such well-researched anti-inflammatory herbs as turmeric, holy basil, oregano, rosemary, green tea, ginger, Chinese goldenthread, and skullcap.
   CONTINUED    1  2  3  Next   
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 About The Author
Nan Fuchs, Ph.D. is an authority on nutrition and the editor and writer of Women's Health Letter, the leading health advisory on nutritional healing for......moreNan Fuchs PhD
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