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 Mungbeans & Rice with Veggies 
Yield: approximately 1 gallon (8-12 servings)

This sort of curried stew is a great staple for the vegetarian/yogic diet. Mungbeans and Rice together make a balanced protein which, when cooked in this way, is very easy on the digestive system. This dish is so nurturing and satisfying. It is one of the best foods for breaking a fast or special cleansing diet and any circumstance where the body needs replenishing (such as in illness recovery and the first few days after child birth). It is one food I never tire of! Serve it as is, or dressed up a little bit with a spoonful of fresh salsa on top! Sometimes I add water and take it more like a soup (adjust flavor with a touch of tamari or Bragg Liquid Aminos). Or, make it on the thick side and roll up in a flour tortilla (like a burrito) with chopped onion and lettuce. My favorite way is to have a simple bowlful with a little chopped cilantro and crushed red chilies on top.

The seasoning in this recipe is mild. To spice it up a bit, add 1/2 to 1 tsp. of crushed red chiles and used rounded measurements for the other spices (instead of leveled measuring spoons). You may also increase the ginger and garlic per your taste. From start to finish, you can have this ready to serve within 60-75 minutes (depending on how fast you chop!). Make a potful, and enjoy it for several days for lunch and/or dinner.

It will keep refrigerated up to five days (but is always best fresh), and does not freeze well.

4 quarts water
1 cup mung beans, sorted and rinsed well
2 medium onions, chopped
2" piece gingerroot, peeled and finely chopped
2 tsp. turmeric
1/2 tsp. ground black pepper
1/2 tsp. ground cardamom
3/4 tsp. cumin seeds
2 tsp. curry powder or garam masala (optional)
2 Tbsp. minced garlic
6 cups chopped assorted vegetables (celery, chard, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, mustard greens.. whatever you like)
1 1/4 cup basmati rice, sorted and rinsed well
2 Tbsp. butter or ghee (optional)
salt, tamari soy sauce or Bragg Liquid Aminos to taste

Bring water to boil in a 6-quart soup pot. Add mung beans and cook at a light boil, uncovered. Add onions and ginger as they are prepped. Add spices. When beans begin to split open add garlic, vegetables and rice. Cook 15-20 minutes over medium-high flame, stirring occasionally, and more as it thickens. Add butter or ghee and season with salt, tamari or Braggs. Remove from heat and let it sit another 15 minutes (it will thicken up a little more).

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