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 Onion-Green Chile Bake 
Back in the 70's, when I was Yogi Bhajan's personal cook, he one day informed me that there would be guests for dinner. I had to scramble to pull a meal together. We were a little short on veggies that day, but had lots of onions! Thus, with his inspiration, this simple dish was created.

2 lbs. onions (4-5 good sized ones)
2 medium tomatoes, sliced thinly
6-8 long green chilies, in 1/4" dice (use raw, or fresh roasted and peeled)
2-3 cloves garlic, minced (more or less to taste)
8 oz. queso fresco (fresh Mexican cheese), crumbled
sprinkling of crushed oregano
salt to taste

Place onion slices in lightly-oiled 2-quart baking/casserole dish, arranging in loose layers. Top with tomato slices and sprinkle evenly with chilies and garlic. Add crumbled queso fresco and top with a little sprinkling of crushed dried oregano (or the fresh herb). Cover with aluminum foil or casserole lid. Bake at 375 for 20-25 minutes. Then remove lid and place under broiler for a minute or two until cheese is lightly browned.

ALTERNATE TOPPINGS: Go for a different flavor by omitting the long green chilies and oregano. Try adding any combination of the following instead: sliced jalapeno chilies, chopped olives, sauteed mushrooms, grilled eggplant, grated ginger root, avocado slices, lightly steamed/blanched vegetables, fresh minced parsley or cilantro.

Vegan Version
Skip the cheese or use non-dairy substitute. Add any toppings you like and end with a nice layer of sliced tomatoes. For a sort of Moussaka, top with 1/4" thick slices of grilled eggplant (one #18 eggplant should do the trick). Blend 12 oz. of firm Mori-Nu tofi with 2-3 tsp. lemon juice, 2 tsp. arrowroot powder, and a little tamari soy sauce. Pour this over the top. Bake at 375 until onions are tender. (If top starts to brown early, cover with foil). Garnish with finely chopped parsley.

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