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 Herbal Medicine: Menorrhagia  
Excessive duration or amount of menstruation.

Excessive menstrual bleed occurs most often prior to menopause, with no underlying pathology present just response to erratic hormone production. In younger women menorrhagia can be caused by a range of problems, necessitating skilled diagnosis. Such causes include fibroids, polyps, blood-clotting problems, endometriosis or tumors.

The suggestions given here are intended primarily for the non-pathological form of menorrhagia. They will usually help reduce bleeding where there is a pathology present, but will not address that pathology or replace treatment for the underlying diagnosed problem.

Actions indicated for the processes behind this disease :

Astringent will reduce the blood loss. They do not possess the ability to block menstrual flow, but will support a normalizing process to reduce the flow to normal levels for that women.
Uterine Tonics will tone the whole reproductive system in the very special, but not understood, way that tonics do. This is one of those situations where herbalists have learnt to trust nature, no matter how `unscientific'!

System Support :
The reproductive system calls for tonic support, but beyond this will depend upon the diagnosis of any underlying pathology.

Specific Remedies :
A number of astringents have a specific effect upon the womb. This is often shown in traditional names for the plant, as in Ladies Mantle. Important uterine astringents are Periwinkle, Shepherd's Purse, American Cranesbill and Ladies Mantle.

One possible prescription :
Geranium maculatum
Capsella bursa-pastoris
Senecio aureus
equal parts of tincture 5 ml twice a day

This supplies the following actions :
Astringent (Capsella bursa-pastoris, Geranium maculatum)
Uterine Tonic (Senecio aureus)


Intermenstrual bleeding.

Such abnormal uterine bleeding may be due to organic causes or some functional problem that relates to hormonal control. As with menorrhagia, competent diagnosis is essential.

Without this diagnosis the therapist is limited to symptomatic treatment. Herbs can be quite effective here, but again, as with menorrhagia, will not change the underlying problem.

Actions indicated for the processes behind this disease :

Astringents will reduce the blood loss.
Uterine Tonics will tone the whole reproductive system.

Specific Remedies :
The uterine astringents are the herbs to consider, but they will need to be either stronger of given in higher dosage than in menorrhagia.

One possible prescription :
Vinca major 2 parts
Geranium maculatum 1 part
Senecio aureus 1 part to 5 ml of tincture taken 3 times a day

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 About The Author
David Hoffmann BSc (Hons), MNIMHWhilst working in conservation and lecturing in ecology and the eco-crisis for the University of Wales, David Hoffman became convinced that to heal the world, to embrace planetary wholeness and responsibility for it......more
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