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 Homeopathy: Parents on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown - Treating Irritability in Children 
Many children have nightmares. Some children are nightmares. At least for a few years. Of course, their parents love them. But these children tease, hit, kick, scream, defy, torture the family pets, and provide a constant challenge to their parents' patience. Some of these parents, in desperation, find themselves in the office of a homeopath. Homeopathy is often of great service to these contrary children and provides much needed relief to their battle weary parents. So it was with these two children.

Case l: Alan

Alan was five and had sandy blonde hair, a freckled face, and a generally mischievous look. His mother was at her wit's end. She hoped that homeopathy could solve his behavior problems. She described her son as disobedient (3). He didn't like to listen (3). Alan's parents had tried many different parenting techniques to no avail. He balked (3) no matter what approach they tried. It took him 30 to 45 minutes to get dressed. He would stop, then start, then ask questions. There was no getting through to him. He could not focus (3). If Alan's parents said "no, you can't", he would "lose it" and become hysterical (3). He screamed (3), cried (3), and threw things (3). He was very stubborn (3), "He could go from black to white in a matter of seconds. Something snaps."

Alan engaged in slugging matches with his mother. He yelled at her "in a cursing tone but without the four letter words". He threw tantrums in public (3) during which he would push his mother and assert that he was not afraid of her. He told her loudly and repeatedly that she was "a mean, bad mommy". It embarrassed her terribly. Alan was defiant (3). He pushed and hit others, but when they did the same to him, he'd complain "It's not fair". He got along better with other kids when he was in charge. He liked to wrestle and play karate.

Alan had a fixaton on violence (2) and weapons (2). He had no fears.

He was terrible with animals (2). His parents had to tell him ten times a day to leave the cat and dog alone. He liked to be "on the go". He had an incredible memory and vocabulary and a very quick mind, which he used to his advantage. He was very interested in tools and mechanical things. Alan was bold (2) and liked to climb up high.

He could be very talkative (3) for hours on end and loved to play "Guess what?" forever. Loud noises really bothered him (2). He was lanky, strong, and the height of a six and a half year old. He had grown a lot over the past four months and was complaining of his bones aching (1).

Alan's mother had a good pregnancy, nursed him until he was 19 months, and did not introduce dairy into his diet until10 months. He walked at 11 months and talked at 18 months. He developed a severe otitis media at ten months following a DPT immunization.

He had a habit of grinding his teeth at night (3) so loudly that he awakened his parents in the next room. His sleep was restless (2). He flailed his arms and legs and awakened "upside down". He salivated (3) constantly since birth. He habitually lapped his tongue (3), resulting in scabs below his lips. He picked his nose a lot (2 and had a lot of gas (2).

When asked about pruritis, his mother confirmed that he did have periods of intense anal itching but was never tested for pinworms. Alan had warts on his left sole under the big toe (2) which were starting to be painful.

Alan loved noodles (3), bread and butter (2), sweets (3), and salt (2), which he sometimes licked off his hand. His appetite was huge (3) recently. He complained of being "hungry to death".

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 About The Author
Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman ND, MSWJudyth Reichenberg-Ullman, ND, DHANP, MSW is a licensed naturopathic physician board certified in homeopathic medicine. She graduated with a degree in ...more
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