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 Homeopathy: What Every Woman Needs to Know About Her Flow! 

Have you ever wondered whether your period is normal? Is it hard to know, when you spot, or skip a period, or bleed unusually heavily if you're okay or there's something really wrong with you? I see women on a daily basis who want reassurance about their menstrual flows. Let's face it. Most of us started our periods pretty much in the dark and are still trying to make up for our former ignorance. We may have had a basic health education class in the sixth grade, but who remembers it?

What is a normal period? If you consult a gynecologic textbook, you'll learn that menstruation is bleeding and shedding of the endometrium of the uterus that occurs at approximately monthly intervals from menarche to menopause. You will read that the menarche, or onset of menopause, usually occurs between 11 and 14 years of age, and menopause generally

between age 45 and 55. The book may say that ovulation occurs on day 14 or 15 of the menstrual cycle (I ovulate on day 11). You will then read that any uterine bleeding which differs markedly from a normal flow, either in frequency, duration, amount, or discomfort is abnormal. But where, precisely, do you draw the line between what is a healthy period and what is not?

The point that I wish to make here is that there is a wide range of normal in the menstrual flow. When I studied ayurvedic medicine a few years ago with Dr. Vasant Ladd, he always asked us, "What is normal for whom ? Ayurvedic medicine body types each individual and their range of normal depends on their specific constitution. Each woman has her own range of normalcy. In some cases, even when a woman is in her optimal state of well-being, she menstruates every 26 or 30 days. Some women ovulate twice a month. I use homeopathy most often with my patients to treat the problems on menstruation. After being given the correct homeopathic remedy, a woman's cycle will normalize to the greatest degree possible for her. After such therapy, I often see a woman's period changing, for example, from every five or six weeks to every four or four and a half weeks. A woman's period may last seven to ten days when she comes to see me and, with treatment, will usually reduce to five to seven. If a woman comes in complaining of spotting before or between the menstrual periods, this will generally disappear, or at least diminish considerably, when she is in a state of balance.

How much should my period hurt? The medical term for the pain or discomfort of the menstrual period is "dysmenorrhea". I consider a slight amount of cramping or discomfort within the range of normal for a woman. However, many of the woman I see experience extreme pain with the periods, some to the point of being incapacitated for a day or two. This pain may be mild or severe, constant or intermittent, dull or sharp, and may be accompanied by a wide variety of symptoms including nausea, vomiting, dizziness, back pain, weakness, confusion, and despair. Many women suffer from severe dysmenorrhea from the time of menarche and may have tried a variety of over the counter and prescription medications in order to find relief.

In my experience, the correct homeopathic remedy is likely to put an end to dysmenorrhea, or at least hold it at bay in a very mild state. In many cases, diagnostic procedures will reveal no significant cause for the pain. In other women, however, the diagnosis will be endometriosis.

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 About The Author
Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman ND, MSWJudyth Reichenberg-Ullman, ND, DHANP, MSW is a licensed naturopathic physician board certified in homeopathic medicine. She graduated with a degree in ...more
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