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 Integrative Medicine and Integrated Health Care Round-up: September 16-30, 2008 
The following is one in an ongoing series of columns entitled Integrator Blog by . View all columns in series
Summary: New 18-practitioner integrative clinic and robust growth at Samaritan Health Services ... Inner Harmony celebrates 10th year and moves to new space at Scranton's Mercy Hospital ... HRSA in $310,000 grant to Palmer College of Chiropractic and Jefferson's integrative medicine prorgam for multidisciplinary practice-based CAM-IM research network ... National College of Natural Medicine expands ... AHEC grant funds scholarship for fellowship at Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine to help serve underserved ... Oregon College of Oriental Medicine, a research-education-integration leader for AOM marks 25th year ... Board of NADA, the acu-detox group, affirms value of 5-point protocol for stress, pain management, not just detox ... Report on national massage therapy clinical practice guidelines funded and developed through Massage Therapy Foundation ... American Chiropractic Association announces policy-related action of its House of Delegates ... Signature Supplements gets high tech business development loan from state of Maryland ... Update on Minnesota-based Collaboration Health Care group started by form American Chiropractic Network team ... plus more...

Integrative Clinics & Hospitals

Penny George honored by Allina

The top news is that philanthropist Penny George was honored by Allina which renamed their inpatient (14,500 visits year) and outpatient (8,000 visits a year) integrative center the Penny George Institute for Health and Healing. (See
Allina Honors Integrative Medicine Visionary: Top Program Becomes the Penny George Institute, October 1, 2008.)

Wallace effort expands at Samaritan
Robust growth in Wallace's Samaritan Health Services integrative centers

"Growth has been enormous" states medical director, Mary Ann Wallace, MD, of the 7-year-old Heartspring Wellness Clinic in Corvallis, Oregon. Wallace was interviewed for a September 24, 2008 article in the Corvallis, Oregon-based Gazette-Times Reporter (Samaritan expands holistic clinic) regarding a new and expanded integrative medicine facility, part of Samaritan Health Services, which is expected to include eight new practitioners. The article notes that the full staff of the Corvallis Heartspring Wellness Center will include 18 providers who "offer everything from general family medicine to counseling, osteopathic and naturopathic services, as well as acupuncture, Feldenkrais and a variety of other services ...are aimed at holistic health care for the mind and body." The building was designed to facilitate cross-fertilization of ideas between the various practitioners. Wallace's integrative work in the past seven years has also included establishing a sister clinic in Albany, Oregon and "both are focused on cooperation and interchange of ideas," according to Wallace. The Corvallis Center will have an open house on November 14, 2008.

Peter Amato, IHG founder
Inner Harmony celebrates 10th anniversary with Chopra and new space at Mercy Hospital

On October 11, 2008, Scranton, Pennsylvania-based Inner Harmony Group will "unveil a fountain of wisdom" at their "new eco-friendly green facility" at Mercy Hospital. Peter Amato, founder, writes with the notice that "we have an exciting two weeks ahead as we are bringing Deepak Chopra to our community as well as celebrating our tenth year with an open house." Chopra's presentation will be on October 8, 2008. Inner Harmony will have a training program on Primordial Sound Meditation, as developed by Chopra, November 7-9, 2008 at their Scranton clinic. Services at the Mercy facility are broad, from conventional primary care to diverse complementary and self-care services. The Integrator sponsor has also opened a clinic with an energy medicine focus in Santa Monica.



practice based research network, CAM, Palmer, Jefferson
CAM and IM school team for PBRN grant
Palmer and Jefferson-Myrna Brind Centers Receive HRSA grant for practice-based research network

The US Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) has awarded a grant for $310,479 to the Palmer Center for Chiropractic Research (PCCR) to establish a practice-based research network to assess complementary and alternative medicine models of pain management. The project is a collaboration, with Palmer sub-contracting for half of the grant amount ($155,239) to the Jefferson-Myrna Brind Center for Integrative Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The principal investigator, Maria Hondras, DC, MPH, from PCCR, states that “the long-term goal is to establish a large, pain-focused practice-based research network of complementary and alternative medicine providers who systematically collect health outcomes assessments from their patients and track outcomes." Co-investigators include Christine Choate, DC, PhD, the executive director for research at the PCCR, Cynthia Long, PhD, also from PCCR, and from the Jefferson-Myrna Brind Center, Daniel Monti, MD and Joel Edman, DSc.

The release notes that a multidisciplinary steering committee for the project includes
Mitchell Haas, MS, DC and top researchers in the naturopathic medicine and AOM fields, including Carlo Calabrese, ND, MPH, Wendy Weber, ND, MPH, PhD, Patricia Herman, ND, MS, PhD, Richard Hammerschlag, PhD. Hondras notes that the goal is to "establish a CAM-PBRN including providers in chiropractic, acupuncture, massage therapy, naturopathy, osteopathic manual medicine and integrative medicine," and that the PCCR team "looks forward to this multi-disciplinary collaborative effort.” The full release is reprinted here.
Comment: Great to see this support from HRSA, the underfunded federal agency with a responsibility to look at practical outcomes and costs in our healthcare system. As executive director of the Academic Consortium for Complementary and Alternative Healthcare (ACCAHC), I like to add that Choate and all 5 steering committee members mentioned are also members of the Research Working Group for ACCAHC.


Major contributor to AOM in 25 years
Honoring Oregon College of Oriental Medicine Celebrates in its 25th Year

Congratulations to Oregon College of Oriental Medicine (OCOM) which is celebrating its 25th anniversary on October 5, 2008. The Portland, Oregon-based school has been a significant player in both the evolution of the acupuncture and Oriental medicine discipline (AOM) as well as the broader integrative medicine dialogue. The school's personnel have included: a long-time chair of the Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (past president Elizabeth Goldblatt, PhD, MPA/HA), co-founder of the influential Society for Acupuncture Research (Richard Hammerschlag, PhD) and the past-president of the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (Carol Taub, LAc). Goldblatt is also a co-founder and current chair of the Academic Consortium for Complementary and Alternative Health Care, for which Hammerschlag serves as co-chair of the Research Working Group, noted above.

The college also forged an early, strong relationship with Oregon Health & Science University which flourished to become a model set of inter-institutional relationships as the Oregon Centers for Complementary and Integrative Medicine (OCCIM, pronounced "awesome"), led by Anne Nedrow, MD. OCOM was also among the first AOM schools to create a Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (DAOM) program and was the first AOM school to receive an education grant from the NIH National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. OCOM's president is Michael Gaeta, EdD, an early leader in promoting a wellness approach inside community health. Immediately prior to coming to OCOM, Gaeta served as an executive with the Planetree organization. A recent news account noted that OCOM has opened its first free-standing clinic to serve Portland's underserved, with rates at $12/visit instead of $50-$90. Congratulations on 25 years of academic, professional and research leadership!

Tucson AOM and conventional school sponsor CAM networking breakfasts
   CONTINUED    1  2  Next   
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Resumes are useful in employment decisions. I provide this background so that you may understand what informs the work which you may employ in your own. I have been involved as an organizer-writer in the emerging fields......moreJohn Weeks
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