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Which of the following is an antioxidant?
Vitamin E
Vitamin B


 Ti Tree :
Herbal Medicine Materia Medica
Melaleuca alternifolia


Names: Tea tree

Habitat: Swampy, low lying wetlands in New South Wales, Australia.


Part Used: Essential oil.


  • Essential oil containing a range of terpenes and sesquiterpenes.
Actions: Anti-microbial

Indications: The essential oil of Ti Tree is an important anti-microbial that has recently become available in North America. An undoubtedly useful oil, it has attracted to itself the modern equivalent of the old snake oil sales 'persons'! Claims are being made that have a kernel of truth to them but are exaggerated for promotional reasons. Never believe advertisements about herbs, question them instead. The claims may be true, but get the evidence and make up your own mind. A list of conditions that Melaleuca oil has been suggested for include: sinusitis, the common cold, sinus blockage, laryngitis, coughs, apthous ulcers, boils, cuts, bites, sunburn, malaria, parasites, head lice, herpes simples, herpes progenitalis, impetigo, psoriasis, infected seborrhoeic dermatitis, ringworm of the scalp, ringworm, athletes foot, fungal infections of the nails, thrush, trichomona lvaginitis.

Preparations & Dosage: The oil is for external use and in people with sensitive skin it should be diluted with a bland fixed oil such as almond oil. There is currently a wide range of products on the market that contain the oil. These include toothpaste, soap, shampoo.

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 About The Author
Whilst working in conservation and lecturing in ecology and the eco-crisis for the University of Wales, David Hoffman became convinced that to heal the world, to embrace planetary wholeness and responsibility for it......moreDavid Hoffmann BSc (Hons), MNIMH
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