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 Herbal Materia Medica: Arteriosclerosis - (Atherosclerosis) 

Great attention is being given by Indian research workers to the value of such findings in humans. A number of clinical comparisons of the influence of Garlic have been published. In one example a group of volunteers were given a fat-rich diet for 7 days and on the 8th day the fasting blood was analyzed for cholesterol and other fats. They were then given a fat rich diet with Garlic for 7 days and on the 15th day the fasting blood was analyzed again. On the fat rich diet the cholesterol levels were significantly increased as compared to normal diet. When Garlic was added to the fat-rich diet for 7 days, it significantly reduced the serum cholesterol levels.

Garlic possesses the ability to reduce the tendency for unnecessary clotting to occur within the blood vessels. It appears to work on the 'stickiness' of blood platelets, reducing aggregation and inhibiting the release of clotting factors in the blood. This is thought to be a property of allicin, an unique thiosulfinate in Garlic, well known for its strong antibiotic and antifungal properties. An exciting new finding is that Garlic can work selectively, inhibiting the synthesis of enzymes involved in plaque formation whilst sparing the vascular synthesis of important prostaglandin's. This would make it a safe& effective anti-thrombotic agent. Following studies on the effect of raw Garlic on normal blood cholesterol level in men, the research scientists advocated its daily use in order to lower one's blood cholesterol. Traditional use of both Garlic and Onion in the treatment of hypertension are being supported by research. It was recently found that Onion oil contains a blood pressure lowering prostaglandin. Interestingly, the blood pressure normalizing and cholesterol lowering action of Garlic are not lost in cooking, whilst the anti-microbial effects appear to be.

Actions indicated for the processes behind this disease

Cardiac & Vascular Tonics help support the tissue of the cardiovascular system, possibly maintaining flexibility and tone in effected vessels.
Circulatory Stimulants promote the circulation of blood, and thus oxygen availability etc., in the face of the increased vascular resistance, characteristic of this condition.
Peripheral Vaso-dilators have an obvious value due to their potential for lessening the impact of vessel blockage.
Hypotensive are indicated to help lower elevated blood pressure.
Nervines will be indicated if stress is an issue (and when isn't it!). They will usually also act as anti-spasmodics.
Anti-spasmodics will help relax the muscular coats of the arteries as well as the muscles the peripheral vessels pass through.

System support
The cardiovascular system has to be the focus of tonic attention. If any secondary problems have developed in other organs of the body due to Ischemia resulting from the arteriosclerosis, then this must be attended to. Common sites for such problems are the kidney, eyes and brain.

Specific Remedies
Linden blossom has a reputation as a specific in such cases, as do Garlic, Fenugreek, Turmeric and other spices of that kind.

One possible prescription:

Hawthorn -- 2 parts
Linden Blossom -- 1 part
Yarrow -- 1 part
Cramp Bark -- 1 part
Ginkgo -- 1 part
to 2.5ml of tincture combination 3 times a day
Garlic should be used as a dietary supplement.
There is no co-incidence that this suggested prescription has close similarities to ones for hypertension. There is a strong correlation in etiologies and in specific remedies. This combination supplies the following actions:
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 About The Author
David Hoffmann BSc (Hons), MNIMHWhilst working in conservation and lecturing in ecology and the eco-crisis for the University of Wales, David Hoffman became convinced that to heal the world, to embrace planetary wholeness and responsibility for it......more
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