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 Acupuncture: Auricular Acupuncture for Addictive Behavior 
Traditional Chinese Medicine, other alternative practitioners, and even traditional Western practices have had proven success using auricular acupuncture in the healing of addictions and addictive behaviors. Auricular acupuncture is a specialized treatment based on a protocol of the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association, using points in the ears that relate to organs involved in detoxification or addiction treatment--specifically the liver, kidneys, lungs, and nervous system. Some of the benefits reported by patients and clinicians include improved program retention, a more optimistic and cooperative attitude toward the process of recovery as well as reductions in cravings, anxiety, sleep disturbance and need for pharmaceuticals.

TCM practitioners agree that auricular acupuncture helps clients develop a balance in mind and body, and helps them to substitute healthy self-nurturing behavior for addictions or habits that are destructive--a process of healing that can be a source of strength with a renewal of the flow of vital forces, or qi.

Auricular acupuncture has been headline celebrity news for some years. Celebrities such as Kate Moss have publicly commended the use of auricular acupuncture. Today, addiction is not just a matter of substance abuse. Shopping, gambling, sex, the internet, food and even the use of Blackberries and other mobile internet devices - can be addictive. The common thread is that all of these are compulsive, emotional disorders, which even Western medical practitioners admit - can be curbed by the use of Auricular Acupuncture.

TCM looks at addiction as a two-part problem. The first part is mental and emotional obsession for something or to do something. Afterwards, there is a physical and emotional craving. TCM practitioners find ear acupuncture treatment helps to deal with that mental obsession. Auricular acupuncture then works to restore this balance.

For more information on herbs and health please contact Pacific College of Oriental Medicine at (800) 729-0941, or visit

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 About The Author
Pacific College of Oriental Medicine  Pacific College of Oriental Medicine believes that the energetic and physiological principles of Oriental medicine are grounded in the laws of nature. While they may seem mysterious at times, they are not mystical.......more
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