Or the cause(s) of FMS could involve something else altogether which remains as yet undiscovered.
What we have in reality is an imbalance caused by potentially any or all of the factors listed above, or others, in any combination leading to what we have seen as the likely scenario of biochemical, neurohumoral (nerves and hormones acting together) and functional (circulation etc.) factors, impacting on the brain and central nervous system with devastating effects on the way we function with sleep, anxiety, fatigue, pain, digestive and a host of other symptoms emerging.
What is absolutely critical as we move forward to consideration of what treatments may be useful, is to hold onto several very important facts so that we avoid the mistake of trying to treat everything in sight, and focus on doing what is most likely to help the body to help itself to recovery by using a selection of non-specific (‘constitutional’) approaches as well as a medley of possible direct or local symptomatic methods.
The ‘facts’ are that the homeostatic mechanisms can be assisted towards recovery if we:
- a/ remove as many factors as possible which are negatively impacting on the body/mind through stress reduction, adequate wholesome diet, rest and exercise, elimination of infectious yeasts/viruses/bacteria/parasites, replenishment of deficiencies whether nutritional or hormonal, removal of contact with allergens, reduction in excessive muscle tone via bodywork and stretching, normalisation of postural and use imbalances including breathing retraining and so on.
- b/ Modulate immune and general repair functions and develop increased hardiness by use of suitable constitutional (i.e. non-specific) methods including counselling, hydrotherapy, general bodywork, detoxification, deep relaxation.
- c/ Use safe symptomatic treatment including appropriate medication, acupuncture and other symptom oriented methods.
1. Fibromyalgia Network Newsletters : October ‘90 through January ‘92 Compendium #2, January 1993, May 1993 Compendium, January 1994, July 1994.
(the Newsleter is highly recommended for information on FMS)
Available from Fibromyalgia Network PO Box 31750, Tucson Arizona 85751-1750 USA
2. Quoted in the Ann Macintyre Interview in ‘INTERACTION’ (Journal of ‘Action for ME’ )No.16 Summer 1994 p20-24(highly recommended for information onME)
Available from PO Box 1302, Wells BA5 2WE, United Kingdom
3. Yunus M . ‘Fibromyalgia and other functional syndromes’ Journal of Rheumatology 16(sup 19)69 1989
4. Moldofsky H Fibromyalgia, sleep disorder and chronic fatigue syndrome Ciba Foundation Symposium 173 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome p 262-270 1993
5. Goldenberg Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and myofascial pain syndrome Current Opinion in Rheumatology 1993;5:199-20810.
6. Bennett R Fibromyalgia and the Facts Controversies in clinical Rheumatism 19(1)February 1993 pp45-56
7. As reported in Fibromyalgia Network (May 1993 Compendium, July 1993, Jan.1994)
8. Goldstein J. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - the Limbic hypothesis Haworth Medical Press, Binghampton New York, 1993
9. Ediger B. Coping with Fibromyalgia LRH Publications Toronto 1991